Apple orchard chaos

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Everyone headed to the apple orchard since it was fall and close to Halloween. We also talked Val into baking us apple pies since he knows how to cook and bake.

We arrived at the apple orchard and emerged from the cars. I slid my hand into Rowan's hand and walked with her to the building.

"I can't wait to climb the trees," Rowan said.

I stopped and glanced at Rowan. "I didn't know you like to climb trees."

"It's the best part of going to the apple orchard," Rowan smirked.

"I love you." I pulled her into a kiss.

"Stop making out. You're wasting daylight," Rafe said, walking by us with Romeo.

Romeo laughed.

"You're a dick for ruining my romantic moment!" I said.

Rafe spun around, walked backward, and held out his arms. "Says the guy who hid in his bedroom for two years!"

My eyes narrowed. Rafe's eyes widened. I took off after Rafe. He ran while Romeo tried to intervene. Yeah, someone was eating dirt.


Patrick tackled Rafe, and Romeo jumped on Pat. I shook my head and walked by them. When I entered the building, Sage was at the counter with an armful of cider and donuts.

Reese and Bailey paid for empty bags to fill with apples. Hayes and Casper were checking out the apples while Val and Leokadia watched the mill make cider.

"You know, my cousin is head over heels for you," someone said.

I glanced at Liam.

"You're the first girl since Camille that has captivated his attention."

"Did you get that out of a novel?"

"No, it's a known fact. When a guy loves a girl, he will do everything for her. It doesn't matter what it is."

"It helps when you spend time talking to each other. You get to know the other person."

"True, but Pat isn't the type to date many girls. As far as I know, he only dated Camille besides you."

"From what I heard, Camille disregarded Pat. To her, their relationship was a game."

"Because Camille is an evil troll and certifiable idiot."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"The Percy sisters are certifiable, so you expect their atrocious behavior. What do you expect from nut jobs?"

"You have a unique view of people."

"Because most people are idiots who think the world revolves around them. They forgot they're not the sun and would burn to death if they encountered it."

I shook my head and laughed. Someone touched my back. I glanced behind me to see Pat standing there.

"That's my cue because, unlike my idiot cousins, I don't need to third wheel." Liam walked away.

I snickered. "Liam is one of a kind."

"Liam is Liam. Between blowing up toilets with cherry bombs and pranking people, he's harmless."

"Liam doesn't strike me as the devious type."

We glanced at the others as Liam talked to Casper and Hayes.

"No, he's more of a straight shooter. He warned Romeo about Sloane."


"Yeah, Liam mentioned something was off about Sloane."

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