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I spent Sunday at the bakery to eat and use the WiFi. Well, I would have used the wifi, but the guy made me buy something. He told me no one could mooch the WiFi without paying for the privilege.

I logged onto the school website listed in the TA instructions and set up an account since the Professor would email assignments and correspondence. Plus, it was easier if the professor didn't know sign language.

After setting up my account, I opened a chat window and typed, then hit send. I waited a few minutes until I received a response.

Did you get settled?

Oh, yeah. My cousin already had a run-in with the local cops.


Yeah, he's not wrapped too tight. His daddy dropped him on his head when he was a baby.

You have an exciting family.

Eh, they're special, alright. I'm sure most ride the short bus while wearing helmets and licking the windows.


Enough about my family. Did you get settled?

Yeah, I did. College is turning out to be more interesting than I expected.


Yeah, ten police cars showed up at the bakery I was at yesterday. Things got crazy.

I stared at the screen. Wait. What? The keys on the laptop clicked. Wait. Were you at the bakery yesterday?

Yeah, my friends and I grabbed a bite to eat. Why?

Because I was there. I stared at the blinking cursor awaiting a response.

I wish I had known because we could have met.

My heart pounded, and I rubbed my palms on my jeans. Do you want to meet?

It would be nice to put a name to a face.

I shifted in my seat and took a deep breath. Well, we could meet if you want.

I don't have anything going on today.

I glanced around the bakery with customers. I'm in a public place with witnesses, so if things go south, I'm covered. I'm at the local bakery.

Okay, so how will I know it's you?

I'm the only one with a laptop.


Because we don't have WiFi yet, and I needed to set up my school account.

Makes sense.

So, would you like to meet?

Sure. Why not?


I'll see you in fifteen.


Bubbles logged off, and I glanced at the ceiling. Was this a mistake? What if someone is catfishing me? I mean, people do it all the time. You start talking to someone, and you discover everything was a complete lie. I glanced at my watch and ran my hand through my hair. I have fifteen minutes to decide whether I want to meet Bubbles. While I contemplated my meeting, Romeo sat down at my table.

"You're like a yeast infection that keeps returning," I told Romeo.

"Is that any way to greet your favorite brother?"

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