The day of love and a birthday

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I tiptoed into the bedroom and jumped on Val. Without opening his eyes, he flipped me onto my back and hovered over me. I stared at him as he opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Val asked me.

"Attempting to surprise you, but you ruined it." I groaned.

Val chuckled, kissed me, and laid down next to me. "You would surprise me if you were naked."

I smacked him with a pillow. "Is that all you think about is sex?"

"I'm a guy. Sex and food are a tie."

I rolled my eyes.

Val's phone rang. He answered it. "Hey, Ma."

I laid next to him.

He chuckled. "Thanks."

I stared at the ceiling while Val talked to Tori, then hung up. I turned my head to face him. "That was a short conversation."

"I'm not one for a lengthy phone call. I prefer it short and sweet. Plus, my folks and Marty are coming for my birthday."

"What about Valentine's Day?" I pouted.

Val reached under the bed, grabbed something, and handed it to me. I stared at the dozen red roses. Then he gave me a box of chocolates and a teddy bear.

"You shouldn't have?"

Val arched his brow.

"You realized that you didn't need to buy me anything, right?"

"And suffer the wrath of you and my ma? Yeah, no. Plus, it's Valentine's Day. If I don't get you something, I look like a schmuck on my birthday."

"Hold that thought." I whacked Val in the face with the roses, threw the box of chocolates and teddy bear at him, and kneed him in the stomach. Then I fell onto the floor with a thud. I got to my feet, ran out of the room, and returned a few minutes later with his gift. I climbed into bed, situated myself, and handed him my gift.

Val tore through the paper, opened the box, and held up a lacy bra and panty set. "Are you wearing this later?"

"What do you think?"

"You realize I'll rip them off you."

"But they're pretty."

"But they're better in tatters." Val gave me a knowing glance.

"Well, shit."

Val chuckled and put the lid back onto the box. "Kadia, I don't need sexy underwear to ravage you. I only need you naked."

"It might be difficult with a house full of people."

"That's why God invented locks for doors."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. My boyfriend is a hot perve.


I give Kadia an A for effort, but I don't care about lingerie. It ends up on the floor, anyway.

I got out of bed and dragged Kadia behind me. If we stay any longer in bed, we won't leave. We came downstairs to breakfast. What the hell?

I stopped at the table set with breakfast foods and my brothers standing there. "Who cooked?"

"We did," Rowan said, coming out of the kitchen with the girls.

"Oh, thank God," I said.

"Hey! We're not that bad!" Romeo said.

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