Mexico chaos

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I spent the entire plane ride deaf with my ear popping. Dad had to tap me to get my attention, or I would miss what people said. Sometimes, my deafness is a blessing and a curse.

We landed in Mexico and descended the plane. I put in my hearing aids, turned them on, and waited for instruction. Yeah, we were that family who needed a billion rules.

After Dad's never-ending lecture, we headed to the hotel room. I don't know about anyone else, but I needed sleep. Jet lag is a bitch, especially with the time change.

Once I reached my room, I crawled into bed and passed out. After a few hours, someone gave me a gentle shake. My eyes fluttered open as Rowan smiled at me. I reached over and pulled her onto the bed with me. She squealed as I engulfed her with my arms.

"Were you planning on sleeping the entire trip?" Rowan asked me.

I looked at her with one eye open as the pillow covered half of my face. "Jet lag is a bitch."

Rowan giggled.

I rolled onto my back and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "How did you get into my room?"

"I conned housekeeping into letting me inside."

I turned my head to face her and arched my brow.

"I said that I left my pregnancy test in the bathroom and didn't want my boyfriend to find it."

I propped myself up on my forearms. "We haven't had sex. Why is everyone assuming that I'll knock you up?"

"Because everyone assumes when you're a couple that you're sleeping together."

"People need to stop assuming shit."

Rowan chuckled. Someone knocked on my door. I climbed out of bed, answered it, and found Dad standing there.

He glanced past me to see Rowan on the bed wearing clothes. "It's good to know that I didn't catch you like I caught your brother."

"I'm not a tool that gets caught by their father."

Dad rolled his eyes. "Cute."

I shrugged.

"I sent Rowan with an extra key to get you for dinner."

I turned to face Rowan. "Oh?"

Rowan rolled out of bed and walked towards me. "I like my reason better."

"I don't because I'm not ready to explain a fake pregnancy to everyone," I said.

"Christ. One unplanned pregnancy is enough in this family." Dad turned and walked down the hallway.

Confusion swept Rowan's face.

"Don't ask." I ushered her out of the hotel room and closed the door.

We rode the elevator to the main floor and met everyone in the lobby. After Dad did a headcount, we headed to a restaurant. Of course, Ma reminded Dad not to order a beer. They argued as our cousins groaned.

We arrived at the restaurant and found a table to accommodate everyone. Well, after we pushed tables together. After sitting down, we ordered our food.

Now, there are two things that you don't do in Mexico. You don't drink tap water or piss off the locals. My brothers, cousins, and I were more intelligent than my dad and cousins. The girls weren't.

Reese drank her water, and Bailey insulted the waitress. Now Reese's situation was self-explanatory. But Bailey's situation wasn't. It seems the waitress commented to another worker about Bailey's colorful hair. Bailey took exception and insulted the staff. You don't piss off the wait staff because they tell the cook.

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