The calm before the storm

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After the apple orchard incident, Rowan and I spent time together. Mr. Jones took over teaching duties with the English Lit. He told me to call him RJ because Mr. Jones made him feel old.

I had to hand it to RJ. He was an excellent teacher and understood the material. Plus, I prefer to be his teaching assistant over the barracuda.

When we met to discuss assignments or tests, RJ met me at the bakery. We could discuss the class while eating and drinking coffee. We sat at a table and went over the next reading assignment. After finishing, we talked.

"You surprise me, Patrick."

"Why?" I packed up my stuff.

"Most people find teaching difficult with everything happening nowadays. You enjoy it."

"I enjoy the students' enthusiasm. Plus, teaching takes someone who loves to help people to learn. My cousin was a teacher then became a principal at my school. People say it's cliche to hear someone say they want to make a difference. But I do."

RJ nodded. "It's an admirable trait."

I sipped my coffee.

"I noticed you seem close to Rowan Banks."

"We're dating. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all if you keep the personal relationship separate from the professional one, which you seem to do. Patrick, no rule states you can't date a student. My family instituted rules to keep a check and balance on improper conduct between teachers and students because it's wrong."

I sipped my coffee.

"People romanticize a student/teacher relationship. They don't realize the relationship can cause more damage. The teacher uses their position as a power-play while the student uses the relationship for advancement. How can you be unbiased when a relationship involves emotions? You can't."

RJ had valid points. I wanted to pick his brain about the situation with Rowan.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What would you do if you encountered a guy who abused a girl and won't leave her alone?"

RJ rubbed his chin. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath. "Rowan dated this guy who almost killed her."

RJ knitted his brows. "Did Rowan take legal action?"

"Yeah, but the guy didn't understand the concept of a PPO and violated it. We contacted the police, and they're searching for him."

"Have you heard anything from the guy since his last encounter with Rowan?"

I shook my head.

RJ leaned forward on the table and spoke in a low voice. "Patrick, I don't want to worry you, but the guy that you described doesn't sound like he will give up easily. If he violates a personal protection order, it won't matter if you involve the cops."

I furrowed my brows.

"My family acquired many enemies throughout the years until we took matters in our hands."

My brows raised.

"Just because you haven't heard from the guy doesn't mean he's not lurking."

I didn't need to ask RJ what he meant.

"If you need help, let me know." RJ leaned back and looked at me.

I nodded, finished my coffee, and left. My gut was screaming at me.

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