Making amends

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I let Rowan know that I was hanging out with Demarco. Since he and Kyler were leaving tomorrow, I wanted to spend time with Demarco, like we used to do.

We headed to the bakery, grabbed a coffee and pastry, and found a table.

"So, are you dating the girl that was at the house yesterday?" Demarco asked me.

"Well, we had one date but hang out with each other more than anything."


"There's no but." I shrugged.

"Come on, Pat. There's always a but with you. Even before Camille, there was a but with you."

"Okay, fine. I don't want anything to ruin things between Rowan and me." I sighed and sipped my coffee.

Demarco chuckled. "You worry too much."

"Well, it doesn't help that Rowan's ex is Robbie DeChamp."

"Wait. What?"

I gave Demarco a knowing glance.

"Isn't that the asshole who made fun of you and got his ass kicked by Val?"

"The one and only."

"What a douche."

"Then I have another slight issue."

"What issue?"

"The new professor has been eye fucking me."

Demarco's brows raised.

"Romeo keeps insinuating shit."

"Romeo needs his head examined. No wonder why he's single. No girl wants to date a lothario."

I chuckled.

"How the hell did Romeo come from your parents? Because I'm sure, Elias doesn't tolerate that shit."

I shrugged. Demarco shook his head. That's what I missed with Demarco. Out of the cousins, Demarco tried to stick to his beliefs. People judged him for them, but it's how his parents raised him.

"Did you seek help after what happened?" I asked Demarco.

"Not at first. It was difficult to admit what happened. How do you tell your family that a girl drugged and had sex with you? It was humiliating. I spent months blaming myself for allowing it to happen."

"It wasn't your fault. The Percy sisters are spiteful bitches bent on destroying anyone in their path. Blair orchestrated Romeo's attack."

Demarco knitted his brows.

"Romeo dated Sloane but ended things after Sloane planned their future."

"That's whacked."

"No, Sloane wasn't wrapped too tight. Sasha slept with Val, thinking she had a future with him."

"Val is picky about the girls he dates and hates games."

"And hates anyone using his full name. Sasha called him Valentine, and he kicked her out of his car."

"Damn, that's harsh."

"That's Val. Whenever has he allowed anyone to call him Valentine besides my parents, grandparents, and Leokadia?"

"Leokadia must be special if Val allows her to call him Valentine."

"Yeah, she is."

"So, tell me about Rowan."

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