A double whammy with birthdays

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After Marty's high school graduation, Tori threw a graduation/birthdays party. Her logic is to kill three birds with one stone. We'll celebrate Marty and my birthday and Marty's graduation. My wife is a nut.

We rented tents, tables, and chairs. Gabe supplied the food while Lex provided the cake. Val and Pat grabbed the pop since most of the family was coming to celebrate. We have a big ass family.

Nana and Grandpa flew in to celebrate. Dad and I met them at the airport. If Dad didn't show up, he would never hear the end of it.

We waited until Grandpa and Nana appeared from the entryway. Nana screamed like a banshee and crashed into Dad.

"Hey, Ma," Dad said.

Nana pulled back. "I missed you, booboo."

"Ma, please stop calling me that."

"Don't sass me. I'm your mother."

"Yes, we know because you constantly remind us," Grandpa said.

Nana rolled her eyes. Dad and I laughed.

"Michael, I spent hours in labor to deliver your offspring. I deserve a medal," Nana said.

"And I deserve one for the hell I suffered through your pregnancy." Grandpa looked at Dad. "I didn't deal with Lakin, which was a plus."

Dad chuckled. "Yeah, but Aunt Lakin wasn't bad."

"No, because I wasn't there," Grandpa said.

I rolled my eyes. Larissa was my biological aunt, but we saw her as a cousin. I still laugh when Dad had to explain it to Deacon.

We headed to the luggage claim and grabbed Grandpa and Nana's bags, then headed to the car. They were staying with Mom and Dad while they visited.

Welcome to the nuthouse, which I call my family.


Val and I loaded the car to the max with two liters of pop. Who the hell celebrates three special occasions at once? Our ma does.

Val handed me the car keys. I looked at him.

"Try to drive faster than a snail, or we'll miss the party," Val said.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the car keys from Val. We got into the car. I checked everything for starting the vehicle. I pulled out of the parking spot and drove towards home. I made sure I followed all the rules of the road. People honked at me.

"You're holding up traffic," Val mentioned.

"I'm driving the speed limit. People can go around me."

Val chuckled. I focused on the road and arrived home without incident. Ma came out of the house when she heard the car and walked towards us.

"Sorry, it took us longer than it should have. I wanted to take my time," I said.

"You take your time. I would rather you arrive safely instead of visiting you in the hospital," Ma said.

I smiled as Ma hugged me. I didn't hesitate to hug her back. My brothers came out of the house and helped us carry the pop inside.


We give Pat shit for his driving, but we understood why he was cautious. His car accident shook us to our core. How do you handle the possibility of losing a brother?

It was the same way with Rafe after what happened to him. Seeing my brothers in the hospital and wondering if they would wake up killed me. Yeah, I'm the oldest, but they're my brothers.

The Harper Brothers: College Life (Wattpad Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن