Settling in

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After our parents left, Liam took off to create havoc. It's better outside than in the house. Val and Leokadia checked out the campus. Rafe and Casper left to grab food, leaving me alone with Romeo. Why? Isn't it bad enough my bedroom was next to his while growing up?

"Don't you have some poor girl to harass?" I asked Romeo.

"I don't harass girls. They harass me."

"The girls at college are different."

"How so?"

"They won't put up with your shit."

"Says the guy who gets pissy when he doesn't get attention."

I glared at Romeo.

"Pat, Camille was a bitch and didn't deserve you. Be like Elsa and let it go."

"Camille is rotting in a cement cell."

"Then you have nothing to worry about here."

I rolled my eyes. Why did I get stuck with Romeo? I must thank my brothers later.


I sat at the table, sipping my coffee while Sage stuffed her face.

"I love that my family owns a bakery on campus." Sage shoved a donut in her mouth.

"You love that you get free food."

"True, but it's awesome."

I shook my head as Reese and Bailey joined us.

"Thanks for ditching us," Reese said.

"We didn't ditch you. We said we were heading to the bakery. You told us to shut up," Sage said in between bites.

Reese rolled her eyes.

"Garçon, bring me a pastry, you peasant," Bailey told Braydon.

"Bite me, you fool! Do I look like your servant?"

"If the shoe fits." Bailey shrugged.

"Sage, you need new friends before I call your pappy."

"If you find him, tell him he owes my mother child support!" Sage told Braydon.

Bailey trudged to the counter. Well, that was after Reese dragged her out of her seat.

"You don't seem too bothered about not knowing your dad," I said.

"My dad was a loser. He ditched my mom to find himself. Well, that was after Grandpa beat the hell out of him," Sage said.

I snickered.

"Loyalty isn't in his vocabulary."

"At least you knew your dad was a loser."

"Have you spoken to your dad since he left?"

"Here and there. It's difficult when your mom is a loon." I sighed.

"So, what about this guy you've been talking to online?"

"What guy?" Reese asked, sitting down and interrupting us.

"Rowan is talking to a guy online," Sage said.

Bailey unwrapped her muffin. "What about Patrick?"

"Patrick is sweet, and so is the online guy," I said.

"What's the guy's screen name?" Reese asked me.


My friends glanced at each other.

The Harper Brothers: College Life (Wattpad Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora