Luck of the Irish and a birthday

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After surviving the food poisoning episode on Val's birthday, I avoided Bailey's cooking. I prefer not to have my head in the toilet.

I woke up, rubbed my eyes, and glanced next to me. Rowan wasn't next to me. I dragged my ass out of bed, took a leak, and came downstairs.

"Surprise!" Everyone said.

I stopped to find everyone standing by the table with breakfast. I shuffled towards the table and glanced at the food. "Who cooked?"

"Val did," Romeo said.

"Good because I don't want food poisoning," I said.

Everyone looked at Bailey. She rolled her eyes. We sat down at the table. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered it.

"Hey, Ma."

Happy Birthday, baby.

"Thanks." I leaned on the table with the phone against my ear.

Your dad, brother, and I are coming for your birthday.

"You're not bringing me green cake, are you?"

Ew, no. I'm bringing chocolate with green icing.

"Of coursed, you are."

Don't sass me. You chose your birthday, so live with it.

I chuckled. After speaking for a few more minutes, I ended the call. I glanced at my brothers. "The folks are on their way here."

"What else is new?" Romeo asked in between bites.

I snickered and sipped my coffee.

"How does it feel to be twenty-one, Pat?" Rafe asked me.

"It's no different than twenty, except I can drink, but I don't drink," I said.

"Well, Ma and Dad are bringing a cake to celebrate your birthday. What do you want to do today?" Val asked me.

"I have an idea," Rowan said.

We looked at Rowan, wondering about her idea.

After showering and changing, I sat on the driver's side of the car while Val sat on the passenger's side. I should have known that driving was Rowan's idea.

"What are you waiting for?" Val asked me.

I knitted my brows. "I haven't driven since your birthday. It's a little unnerving."

"Take a deep breath and try not to kill us."

I looked at Val, who shrugged. Easy for him to say. He didn't have a car accident that landed him in the hospital.

I took a deep breath, checked the mirrors, and put the car in gear. I took my foot off the brake and eased it onto the accelerator. I could drive if I took my time.

"Uh, Pat."

I kept my hands on the steering wheel and focused on the road. "Yeah?"

"A little old lady passed us."

"I'm being cautious."

"You drive like an old man. I would say Grandpa, but he drives normally."

"I'm easing into driving."

"And I'm aging by the minute."

I drove around the block with Val giving me a hard time.


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