An authentic Mexican experience

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After our first night in Mexico, you think things would be better. No, they got more chaotic. Owen and Oliver wanted to get even with Dad for what happened on their trip to Mexico. So, they took Val and me to a local bar. I'm not sure why, but I'll bite.

We entered the bar and found a table. A waitress came to our tables and took our order.

"Why are we here?" Val asked Owen and Oliver.

"We wanted you to have an authentic Mexican experience. Since your dad had one, you should have one," Oliver said.

A waitress returned with a tray of four shot glasses of tequila, salt, and lemons. She set the table items on the table.

"Is this a good idea to drink? Shouldn't you act like adults and tell us no?" I asked.

"You're twenty-one. We'll have one shot, then leave," Owen said.

Val and I glanced at each other.

Oliver picked up his shot glass and held it in the air. "Down the hatches, boys." He down the tequila, set his glass down and made a face.

Owen rolled his eyes, sprinkled salt, licked it, did his shot, then sucked on the lemon wedge. "Woo!"

I blew air past my lips as we followed suit. Yeah, we didn't stop at one shot. Our idiot cousins kept going. All of us got hammered, and I wasn't feeling any pain.


I got woken from pounding on my hotel room door. I crawled out of bed, shuffled to the door, and opened it as Conner and Wendy stood there. I rubbed my eyes and signed since I didn't have my hearing aids in.

Wendy and Conner glanced at each other. I held up a finger, grabbed my hearing aids, and put them in.

"Have you seen Owen and Oliver?" Wendy asked me.

"Not since earlier. Why?" I asked.

"Because they took Val and Pat to a bar to have an authentic Mexican experience," Conner said.

"And you let them?" I asked them.

Wendy and Conner stared at me. I shook my head and put on some clothes, then headed out to hunt down my dumbass cousins. Val and Pat don't drink. It's not because we dislike it, but we never find it fun. Hangovers suck.

I checked different bars until I found the four of them hammered. Great. I made my way to their table as they laughed.

Owen looked up at me. "Elias! Join us!"

"No." I shook my head.

Oliver stood, tripped, and laughed. "Oh, come on! We're having a blast."

I rolled my eyes and whistled. Owen, Oliver, and the boys groaned. Romeo, Liam, and Casper walked over and helped me with the drunkies.

"And you thought we would be the issue?" Casper asked me.

I rolled my eyes. We managed to get them to their feet and lead them out of the bar. We didn't make it far until the boys puked.

Owen and Oliver laughed as their boys helped them back to the hotel room. Romeo and I helped Val and Pat until they finished heaving. Oh, yeah, drinking is so much fun. Remind me to kick my cousins' asses later.

Romeo and I got Val and Pat back to their hotel rooms. Instead of putting them in their rooms, we laid them on Pat's bed. Val and Pat passed out once we laid them down. I wasn't in the mood to separate them.

Romeo headed to his room, and I returned to mine. I kicked off my sandals and crawled into bed next to Tori.

Tori woke up. "Where did you go?"

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