Tender loving care

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Pat took me back to my house. I fumbled with my keys until he took them from me and unlocked the door. I couldn't even focus on opening a door. How pathetic is that?

Once we were inside, Pat closed the door and locked it. The click triggered a memory, and a scream erupted from my lips. When Pat touched me, I went into fight mode and hit him. He didn't retaliate but wrapped his arms around me. I fought until I stopped and cried.

"Shh, I got you." Pat stroked the back of my head.

I curled into his chest and sobbed. He held me as my body heaved with throaty sobs. A few minutes later, the front door opened. I peeked over Pat's shoulder to see the girls and his brothers standing there. I lowered my head and buried my face into his chest.

Pat glanced at the others. "Rowan needs tender loving care. Can someone run her a bath and get her Chunky brownie ice cream?"

"I'll run her a bath," Sage said.

"We'll grab her some ice cream," Reese said, grabbing Rafe.

"Why do I need to go?" Rafe asked.

"Because it will do you some good, Harper," Reese said.

Reese and Rafe left.

"I'll let Ma and Dad know what's happening and get Kadia," Val said.

I nodded.

Romeo walked towards us. "How about a chick flick? Laughter helps."

Rowan nodded.

"Yeah, sounds good," I said.

Bailey coaxed Rowan from me and led her upstairs. I pulled out my phone and called Jayden. He answered after the second ring. I explained what had happened. He gave me tips to help Rowan and offered to visit. I accepted. Since Jayden specialized in trauma, he could help Rowan.

While Rowan and Sage were busy, it gave me a chance to talk to Romeo.

"Okay, I found a movie that will help." Romeo queued a movie.

"Why didn't you tell me that Sloane got pregnant?"

Romeo stiffened, then turned to face me. He knitted his brows and looked at me.

I crept towards him. "You could have told me."

"Why? People assumed that I lied about Sloane. I even apologized to Sloane. It still didn't matter because I was the schmuck." Romeo shrugged.

"It matters."

"Since when?"

I furrowed my brows.

"You don't think that I know what people say about me? I hear what they say. Romeo screws up everything. If it weren't for what Romeo did, Pat wouldn't have gotten hurt. Rafe wouldn't have landed in the hospital on a vent. Do you think I wanted to hurt you or Rafe? You're my brothers."

"You didn't hurt us. The trolls did."

"It doesn't assuage the guilt because I live with it every day. I live with Sloane trying to entrap me with a baby." Romeo shrugged.

Romeo acted casual, but I noticed the hurt in his eyes.

"If Sloane wouldn't have lost the baby, would you want it?"

"Of course. Why?"

I stared at Romeo as tears dripped down his cheeks.

"Even if the parents don't stay together, it doesn't mean the child should suffer."

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