Rowan, meet a quint aka Grammy

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After Thanksgiving, we returned to school and settled back in. Everything was going well until someone knocked on the front door. Let me rephrase that. The person pounded on the door because they became impatient.

Rafe answered the door. "Are you kidding me?"

"Boy, drop the attitude before I drop you," a voice said.

We got up from our seats and walked towards the front door to discover Grammy and Grandpa standing at the front door. They came into the house, and Rafe closed the door.

"Did your father raise wolves? Where are your manners? Give me hugs and kisses." Grammy held out her arms.

My brothers and I hugged and kissed Grammy. 

"That's better. Now, where is Leokadia and Patrick's girl, who I haven't met yet."

A few minutes later, Leokadia and Rowan came into the house with the girls. Grammy arched her brow. My brothers and I glanced at each other.

"Is there a harem going here that the family doesn't know about?"

We placed our faces in our hands. The girls looked at each other, unsure about Grammy and Grandpa.

"Grammy, Leokadia's friends are staying here because of Sage's family, and Pat's girl had an issue with her ex," Val said.

"Yeah, I heard about that piece of shit. He's lucky he didn't deal with my sisters and me." Grammy checked out the girls. "Which one is Rowan?"

Rowan raised her hand. "That would be me."

Grammy looked at Sage. "Who are you?"

"Oh, that's Satan's minion," Romeo said.

Grammy snapped her face in Romeo's direction. "That's cute coming from Satan himself."

Romeo shut his trap.

"Who are you?" Grammy pointed at Reese.

"Someone who got stuck here against their will," Reese said.

"That is Reese," Rowan said.

Grammy zeroed in on Bailey. "And you are?"

"Bailey. I'm here to watch the show." Bailey grinned.

Grammy looked at Grandpa. "Were we anything like these girls?"


Grammy smiled.

"You were worse." Grandpa walked away.

"Michael, you're a twit!"

"Love you, too, sweet cheeks!"

Grammy rolled her eyes.

"What's with the visit?" I asked.

"Oh, your Grammy wanted to take a road trip to see her babies. She had me detour here, so she could give you a hard time and a fast way to get there." Grandpa crossed his arms.

"You make me sound like Grammy Gray," Grammy said.

"Lyric, Michigan weather sucks in the wintertime. We moved to Florida for the heat. It's five degrees outside. That's not heat. That's the Arctic."

"Ignore your grandpa. He got grumpier in his old age."

Grandpa raised a finger. "No, I hate the cold. You keep dragging me here because of Matthew."

"Matthew is our pride and joy."

"Not when you were pregnant. Matthew cured me of ever wanting more kids."

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