Winter brings a snowstorm

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I love Michigan except for wintertime. Not only do we get the bitter cold, but we get snow. It's times like these that I'm glad that I don't drive because everyone forgets how to drive in the snow. Here comes a snowflake and many automobile accidents.

Since a freak blizzard hit, the college canceled classes. Fine by me. I would rather sleep in than trudge through snow up to my ass. As I rested under two blankets, someone stuck their cold-ass feet on me.

My eyelids popped open, and I glanced at Rowan wiggling into me. "Do you mind?"

"My feet are cold."

"Put on socks."

"Then what will I do with my hands?"

Before I answered, she shoved her cold-ass hands under my shirt. I gasped and tried to remove her hands, but she clung to me like a Koloa. I groaned.

"Do you need to use me as a human space heater?"

"Yes, because it's freezing in here. Can't we turn up the heat?"

"Val! The heat is out!" Romeo said.

"Christ!" Val rushed past my doorway.

"That would explain why it's freezing in here," I told Rowan.

Rowan giggled. We got out of bed, threw on another layer of clothes, and headed downstairs. Val left the house and returned looking like the abominable snowman. He stared at him, holding a toolbox.

"I hate the damn snow." Val shook the snow from his hair and clothes. He headed to the furnace and worked on it.

After changing a couple of parts, he got the heat working. Thank God, because the house became a fridge.

"I can handle many things but turning into a human popsicle isn't one of them," Casper said under blankets on the couch.

"Why can't we have seventy-degree weather all year long? It's warm but not scorching or freezing," Liam said.

"Four Great Lakes surround us, and you question our temps. Did the special bus drop you without a helmet?" Rafe asked Liam.

"Do you want to cuddle me?" Liam asked Rafe.

"Not really."

"Then shut your trap." Liam shrugged.

Rafe rolled his eyes.

"There will be no cuddling with anyone," Val said.

"Oh, come on, Val. One isn't a lonely number, and I need someone to cuddle me," Liam said.

"I'll cuddle you."

We turned to see Reese standing there. Rafe knitted his brows. She walked over to the couch, squeezed between Liam and Casper, and covered herself with the blanket. Val, Romeo, and I glanced at each other.

"Warmth is better than freezing to death," Reese said.

"Well, I do create a massive amount of body heat," Liam told Reese.

"Works for me." Reese snuggled into Liam.

Sage came downstairs and plopped down next to Liam. "Give me some blankets. You blanket hog."

"Do you mind?" Liam asked Sage.

"Nope, since you were a jerk to me when we were kids," Sage said.

"You deserved it for the hell...."

Reese slapped her palm over Liam's mouth. Liam looked at Reese and arched his brow.

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