realize | changjin

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ship : changjin | changbin x hyunjin
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : friends
status : requested by hyunj1nnie


changbin didn't think it would be this frustrating when he decided to invite hyunjin to the ice skating rink once again. it's not his fault they both love to ice skate but why must sohee be there out of all places?

seo changbin, a high school graduate, currently financially struggling to pay for his little sister's tuition fee. though despite not in his best state, the boy also wanted to experience a love life and too bad for him, he has a crush on his best friend hyunjin.

hwang hyunjin, also a high school graduate, changbin's best friend since middle school. he usually has no preference when it comes to dating but one girl caught his eye and he was never aware about changbin's feelings for him.

jeon sohee, going through her last year in high school, an ice skating enthusiast. has been coming to the same ice skating rink changbin and hyunjin goes to ever since she was a child and ever since she saw changbin, he never left her head.

and now here they are, in the ice skating rink together once again. the first time changbin and hyunjin went here, the older ran over sohee who was skating as if the rink was empty. the two of them had to stop playing since changbin had a concussion on his head and the younger injured her ankle. but ever since that, they kept coming across each other.

"changbin, we meet again!" the girl exclaimed across the waiting room, excited to see her crush after a while. she came running up to them and gave changbin a hug and only waved at hyunjin. the taller of course smiled and waved back, thinking she looked adorable.

it wasn't that changbin didn't want to meet sohee, but he didn't like how she was obviously trying her luck and clinging herself to him. but what he dislike the most is that hyunjin was also obviously falling for her every time they met. he's pretty sure that he is the only one that could see the love triangle they're in and that frustrates him to the core.

"alright i'm done! come on sohee, let's go in first." after strapping his skate shoes, hyunjin hold out his hand for the younger to take so they could go in together. "but changbi-" before she could finish her sentence, hyunjin had pulled her inside and seeing that made changbin furious.

he hates the feeling of jealousy, but he couldn't help it when he witnesses the situation right in front of him but he had no rights whatsoever to stop it from happening. he felt stuck.

it was worse during the end of the day, when they were having dinner together. while sohee was trying her hardest to ask changbin out on a date, hyunjin bought her dessert and paid for the rest of her food. "binnie, should i pay for yo-" and of course, changbin declined sohee's offer.

changbin feels bad for the girl, but he couldn't get himself to like her that way. his heart was already set on someone and he didn't think that would change anytime soon. it was just unfortunate that the person had to be his dense best friend.

ever since that day, changbin had been thinking a lot. he was contemplating on finally being honest about his feelings and just straight out confess to him. one part on him felt like this could turn his life around and hyunjin might reciprocate, but one part of him tell him that their friendship would just be a waste if he confessed.

"i'm inviting sohee over tomorrow for our movie marathon. is that fine, hyung?"

changbin snapped out from his thoughts when he heard hyunjin's voice beside him. he had come over at hyunjin's today to discuss their monthly movie marathon which is tomorrow, but he was caught up with his thoughts that he didn't realize hyunjin asked him a question.

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