crush | seungchan

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ship : seungchan | seungmin x chan
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : friends
status : not requested



seungmin had been staring into space since he arrived at the company to practice. no matter how hard he tries, he couldn't get chan out of his head.

the leader had done nothing in particular, but it seems like whatever he does left seungmin in a whole day full of daydreaming.

take this as an example. yesterday, chan had offered to buy coffee for him and even though it's only a friendly and kind gesture, seungmin was squealing on the insides and he carried a wholesome smile on his face all day.

he even kept the cup in his room after he cleaned it.

there's no doubt seungmin had not just a tiny crush, but a massive fat crush on the older. everything chan does always leave him flustered, no matter if it meant for him or not.


seungmin was startled by the voice, turning to see jeongin looking at him with a confused look. "what were you thinking so deeply about?" he asked.

seungmin only shook his head and quickly did his stretching. jeongin could only brush it off if the older doesn't want to share his problems.

today, they are practicing for an upcoming comeback and mr choreographer couldn't make it for personal reasons. thankfully, the boys had completed the dance routine, and all that left for them to do is perfecting it.

seungmin have been trying to perfect his moves for the bridge part, but it doesn't seem to work.

he was looking around for the dance line to help him, but he just remembered that they went to bring some drinks for all of them. he could see the others are focused on their parts so he really didn't want to bother anyone. disappointed, he frowned as he stared at his own reflection.

"hey, you okay?"

startled, seungmin turned to the voice to see chan beside him, wiping his sweats with a towel as he slightly panted from practice. the younger went silent as he was internally screaming again, but showed a confident face nevertheless.

"oh yeah, i just found the bridge part a bit difficult," he said as he smiled shyly at chan. the older went to the couch to hang his towel and came back beside seungmin. "okay then, i'll help you," he said, returning his smile.

seungmin swear he could hear his heart skipped a beat, but he ignored it as he followed chan's dance moves. when seungmin followed, chan said stop as he stay still in place.

"your hand here should be lower than your shoulder," chan said as he grabbed seungmin's wrist to lower it. seungmin was flustered by the sudden contact that he didn't realise he let out a quiet squeal.

"oh, did you hear that?" the older asked as he looked at seungmin, still not letting go of his wrist. seungmin went wide eyed and shake his head multiple times without making eye contact with the older.

chan shook it off and continued to show seungmin the next move, where he abruptly told him to stop once more.

"your shoulders need to lean a bit forward," chan said as he hold seungmin's shoulders and pulled them towards him. seungmin was surprised by this and he was certainly not okay with the close proximity.

"and make sure you look at the camera or audiences, not down," chan paused before continuing, "try to imagine me as a camera," he said.

hearing this, seungmin's heart thumped really fast like he was really panicking. but he didn't want to be suspicious, so he did as told.

honestly, he never minded if chan's the camera. maybe that's why he always smiles when he look at him.

"you're really cute, seungminnie," chan returned the smile as he finally let go off seungmin's shoulders before continuing to help him.

seungmin smile got wider upon each words chan had said, he almost forgot to focus on the lesson. even the others could see seungmin's smile because it was so wide.

"seungminnie? hey, focus," chan said softly, gaining the younger's attention immediately. seungmin slapped his face not too hard as he finally regained his composure.

when he had finally managed to finish the moves perfectly, chan gave him a high five and a cute smile. "you did great!" he exclaimed.

"all thanks to you, hyung," seungmin responded with a soft smile. they sat on the floor and downed their bottles of water. the younger casually looked over to the older.

"what? is there something on my face?" he asked, as he quickly tries to wipe whatever on his face. seungmin chuckled and shook his head. he wished he's confident enough to tell that chan got 'handsomeness' on his face.

"hyung, we're heading back. you and seungmin coming?" minho suddenly popped out of nowhere and asked. seungmin thought for a while before shaking his head. he wanted to stay a little to perfect his moves.

chan glanced at seungmin and back to minho, "it's okay, i'll stay with seungminnie. you guys can go," he said, averting seungmin's attention to him.

"hyung, you don't have to," when they waved at the others, seungmin quickly asked chan, worried if he's troubling the older.

"why? i honestly like staying with you more other than going home doing nothing," chan said, not even caring how flustered seungmin looked.

"hyung, you make music everywhere like literally," seungmin said as he sighed. it pained him to think that chan never got any rest no matter where he is. "you should rest, hyung," he added.

"okay then, if you insist" after he said that, chan turns himself to the side and slowly lied his head on seungmin's laps. the younger was shocked and almost jumped.

"w-what are you d-doing, hyung?" seungmin asked, looking everywhere but the person on his lap.

"you told me to rest, so i'm resting," chan said. he was looking at seungmin and a soft smile appeared on his face, "i know i've said this before, but you're really adorable," he added.

seungmin was beyond flustered at this point. he hated the fact that chan can do things to his heart, and the older never knew it.

before he could respond, soft snores were heard from the older and when seungmin finally have the courage to face him, he saw an adorable sleeping angel.

seungmin smiled as he slowly pat chan's hair and sings a short lullaby to the older. after he was sure than chan is deeply sleeping, he continues to play with his hair.

he didn't mind he couldn't continue to practice if this is what he's getting. he's more than happy when he thinks about it.

"you have no idea how much you mean to me, hyung,"

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