wherever | hyunlix

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ship : hyunlix | hyunjin x felix
genre : angst | fluff
type : storyline
relationship : couple
status : requested by dramallamahyunnieeee


felix woke up in the middle of the night, specifically at 3am in the morning. it was nothing new to him, he always got woken up by the dreams he had. but this time, he just couldn't handle the pain anymore.

in the dream he was looking out the window when he saw his boyfriend, hyunjin waving at him. he was so happy to see him and told him to wait before he ran down the stairs to meet the boy he missed so much.

when he got down, he saw hyunjin and tried to ran up to him but for some reason, no matter how fast he runs, he just couldn't get there. hyunjin felt so close yet so far and he hated it. the more he runs, the more further hyunjin gets and in a split second, he turned into thin air and never came back.

felix felt like a part of his life was taken away and he never felt so empty.

it has been too long since he was separated from his lover, and he never wanted to curse so much. it felt so unfair that the company has to sent him away on hiatus to 'reflect' when he did nothing wrong.

123 days without hyunjin.

felix couldn't take it anymore. the next morning he told the other members that he's going to take a long walk to clear his mind, but they had no idea what he had planned.

the freckled boy made his way to the train station and took a short ride. he didn't care if the company is against what he's going to do, but what matters right now is that he will not give up so easily.

he is going to go see hyunjin.

before he made his way to hyunjin's house where he lived his parents, he stopped by at the coffee shop to grab something for hyunjin. he knows how much the older enjoys americano, it always manages to lift his mood.

after paying the taxi driver, felix finally made his way to hyunjin's family house. he remembered this house like it was his, seeming that hyunjin always brought him here.

felix looked at the door, tears brimming in his eyes. he didn't realize how much he's been waiting for this moment, it has been too long since he laid eyes on his beautiful boyfriend. after three consecutive knocks, he waited for someone to answer, his heart pounding on his chest.

not even a second later, he heard the door unlocked and when it opens, he locked eyes with the boy behind the door. the boy gasped in shock, not expecting felix to come all the way to his house.

oh, how much he missed him.

"f-felix?" hyunjin muttered, his brain still processing the information. tears started forming in his eyes and his heart clenched so hard. he felt like he was dreaming, there's no way his boyfriend would show up in front of him. it seems too unreal to believe.

"hey babe." the shorter replied as his lips trembled, a sad smile growing on his lips, the tears he was holding onto had fallen down his cheeks. he didn't wait a second before throwing his arms over hyunjin and hugged him tightly, as if the taller would disappear if he didn't.

the taller hugged back almost immediately, his tears wetting felix's shirt. words can never describe how much he missed the younger. he missed his presence, he missed being in his arms, he missed his voice, he missed his kisses,

he missed everything about him.

"i missed you so much, baby. i missed you so... so much." felix muttered, his hand reaching up to run through hyunjin's soft hair. he pulled himself away, his arms still around the older's waist and smiled softly as he admired his face. he moved one of his hand onto hyunjin's face and caressed his cheek, also wiping the ongoing tears streaming down his face.

"i-i missed you too, lixie..." hyunjin replied softly, a frown visible on his lips. of course, he's happy to see felix but he couldn't deny how much it hurts him knowing that it has been too long since he's been in felix's comforting arms.

he was lonely.

"hey don't cry, my angel. i'm here now, hm?" felix said above whisper, just enough for him to calm the other boy down. hyunjin has always been sensitive, and felix has made it his responsibility to always be there for him, no matter what it takes.

the younger closed the gap between them as he laid his lips on hyunjin's chapped, yet soft ones. hyunjin felt more tears brimming down his cheeks, but the frown he had is no longer there. he's happy now. felix is really there, with him.

they pulled away softly, hyunjin quickly burying his face in felix's neck. felix still smells like strawberries, and that never failed to make him relaxed. the younger wrapped his arms around the taller once again and rocked them side to side. this made hyunjin giggle, and that made felix's all warm and fuzzy again.

"come on baby, i got you and i some americano." as soon as felix said that, hyunjin lifted his head from his shoulder and looked at him with hopeful eyes. "really? you're the best!" he exclaimed before planting a sweet short kiss on felix's lips which made both of them cracks into fits of laughter.

as they made their way to the couch, a soft bark was heard from the corridor. a white and black ball of fluff made an appearance and felix knew exactly who it is. "awe kkami, did you miss me too?" he asked once the dog jumped into his arms, nuzzling his nose with the dog.

"of course he does! like father like son." hyunjin exclaimed, his hand quickly petting his said 'son' who started barking loudly. they erupted into much more laughter and decided to bring kkami into the 'party'.

hyunjin snuggled himself onto felix and watched movies together all day long. the younger treated hyunjin like he wouldn't be able to see him go. if he could, he would want to stay here as long as he can, just so that he can be with hyunjin.

felix had already lost focus on the movie as he stared at the boy in his arms. no matter how long they've been together, hyunjin never failed to make his heart skips a beat. he didn't even have to do anything, yet felix is falling deeper and deeper in love.

"what are you doing?"

surprised, felix felt heat rushing through his cheeks and ears, knowing that hyunjin caught him staring. "i was staring at an angel, what about you?" even though he was a bit embarrassed, he still wanted to fluster the older.

hyunjin scrunched his nose and hits felix in shoulder playfully, making himself smaller in felix's arms. "stop it, i'm not an angel." he huffed out, crossing his arms across his chest. this made felix chuckle, his hands softly playing with hyunjin's long hair.

"of course, you are. you're always with me wherever i am, and i promise i'll always be with you wherever you are as well."


i'm sad and soft ;-;

after like 10 days i finally updated i'm so sorry but djsnnd and since this was requested, i really wanted to make it sad so i was finding the right time to write it :'D

i hope you enjoyed this nevertheless, this really made me miss hyunjin more </3

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