weirdo | 2min

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ship : 2min | minho x seungmin
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : frenemies
status : not requested

(help i don't know where i'm going with this it's w e i r d)



"oh my god, not again." chan sighed. he could hear both minho and seungmin arguing again all the way from the kitchen. he can never leave those two alone, they will always ended up getting on each other's nerves.

chan walked into the small relax room to see the two boys screaming in each other's faces with books in their hands behind their backs. chan completely blocked out their yells since he had enough of them bickering and by just going in between them, the room fell silent almost immediately.

"what have i told you two about messing with each other's belongings?" chan coldly asked, raising his eyebrows at the younger boys. seungmin looked at the floor with a slight pout, while minho rubbed his nape, avoiding eye contacts with chan.

the oldest huffed out a short sigh and his cold expression faded just as quick. "look, i'm going to busan in a few hours and if you guys still can't live under one roof with just the two of you, i have no option but to stay." he stated, before heading over to sit on minho's bed.

"but hyung, you have to go! you can't let felix go there alone, he's gonna get lost in the snow again." seungmin quickly responded, genuinely worried for the freckled boy. "yeah hyung, you can't possibly disappoint him when you promised to come along." minho added, guilt eating him up slowly.

"then do you promise to behave and not get on each other's nerves as much as possible when i'm gone?"

seungmin looked to his side to see minho already glaring at him, and glared back. no matter how annoyed he is with that ravennette, he has no choice but to agree. minho also nodded, and chan just sighed tiredly.

after saying goodbye to chan and felix, the two went back inside the house and go their separate ways, or so they thought. seungmin wanted to watch something on netflix in the living room and he thought minho went to his room, but several minutes later the older came back with a bowl of popcorn and a huge bottle of coke.

"urgh you're here too, step aside would you?" minho scoffed, earning a glare from the younger as he scooted away so minho could sit. as much as they get annoyed wiht the other, they never really care if they ended spending time with each other. at this point, it was natural for them to act like this.

"give me the remote." minho said and seungmin looked at him with wide eyes. "nu-uh, i was here first. i want to watch tangled and no one can stop me, especially not you." he fought back, holding the remote tight in his hand behind his back.

"fine." minho chuckled at his cute gesture and gave in before continuing. "popcorn?" he offered, and seungmin just let out a small thanks. although this is normal, minho can't help but felt awkward. he looked to the side to see seungmin already lost in the movie and can't help but to chuckle. the younger looked absolutely adorable.

seungmin turned his head to face the other, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. minho laughed a bit right after before speaking up. "hey look, i just want to say sorry for hiding your novels. you know how much i love teasing you, right?" he joked.

not only does minho loves teasing seungmin, he also loves seeing how frustrated the younger gets when he did. he doesn't know why he did it, but he just likes seeing seungmin mad. to him, the younger is the cutest when he's mad.

seungmin doesn't know why, but the way minho said that sentence made his heart warm. even though he said it in a joking tone, he could feel how genuine the older's apology was. plus, seungmin has always loved minho's laugh, so he couldn't really ignore what that could do to his heart.

"yeah, i'm sorry for stealing your mangas too. just don't touch my novels again, please." seungmin warned minho in the last sentence, causing him to erupt another laugh. this made the younger laugh too, and they ended up having a great time together.

the awkward tension between them immediately died down as they both enjoyed the movie, casually talking in between each scenes. they will never admit this in front of anyone, but they do enjoy each company,

a lot more than they should.

as the movie was coming to an end, only one kernel of popcorn is left in the bowl and both seungmin and minho reached for it. sadly, seungmin wasn't as quick as minho got the last piece and puts it in his mouth.

before he could finish savouring the tiny piece of popcorn, minho realized the slight frown on seungmin's face. out of nowhere, an idea popped up in his head.

an odd, disgusting one, that is.

"oh i know! i'm still not finished yet so i'll just past it to your mouth so you can finish it." minho muttered before shaping his mouth into an 'o' shape. seungmin looked at him in disgust, genuinely concerned with what goes on minho's head.

"ew no way we're doing that, you weirdo." seungmin looked away, the disgusted expression still remains on his face. hearing minho's laugh made him rolls his eyes, how is he such a weirdo yet he has the most prettiest laugh in the world? he thought.

"i'm your weirdo."

seungmin froze. did he heard him right? he turned back slowly to see a smug-looking minho and wondered if he misheard. "what did you just say?" seungmin asked, just to make sure. minho shrugged and it makes him even more confused.

"did you just say that you're my weirdo?" seungmin hated how he slightly stuttered when he repeated what he heard, his cheeks dusted in a slight tint of red. "yeah... but you didn't think i mean it, did you?" minho replied, lifting one of his eyebrows at seungmin.

the younger went wide eyed and he can't deny how that broke his heart a bit. "o-of course i didn't! you're absolutely right." seungmin turned away and stood up from the couch awkwardly. before he could walk away, he felt someone pulled onto his wrist before falling back onto the couch,

or specifically in someone's arms.

minho didn't even give him any warning before leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips. seungmin was so shocked that he didn't get to react in time. when minho pulled away is when he realized what just happened.

"what about now, do you think i mean it?" minho asked, a sweet smile growing on his lips. the younger had no idea what he's talking about, he was honestly so lost. "w-what?" he mumbled, his heart still beating so hard at the close proximity between them.

"i'm your weirdo, and i mean it." minho said, seungmin finally understanding what he meant. "does that mean you're... mine?" seungmin muttered out shyly, his eyes avoiding eye contact with the older. he can't lie, he really like where this is going.

"mhm, i'm all yours. but it's only fair if you become mine too."



please forgive me, i really think this is a bad one shot but i just wanna get something out ;-;

not proofread because i really don't like it BDJSJSJS

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