never | minsunglix

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ship : minsunglix | minho x jisung x felix
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : couple
status : not requested
jilix birthday special!


it was a saturday morning, and felix woke up extra early that day. he perked his head up to see if jisung was around before turning to his phone completely. the older's birthday is just around the corner and he wanted to ask if minho had any plans for him, also hoping that there will be something for his own birthday as well.

minho is currently outstation and he hasn't been able to come home for almost a month due to his piling works. even though he was not there physically, both jisung and felix always remembered to call him every now and then and check up on him. it is sad that they couldn't be together, but the two have each other for comfort and could only hope that minho would return home soon. 

felix proceeded to tap on minho's contacts and sent him a short text.


bokkie ♡

hi minhyung </3

i miss you so much how are you :(((

minhyung ❤️

hi my baby :(

i miss you and ji too :/

i'm okay, still very busy but how are you two? holding up well without me?

bokkie ♡

we're doing completely fine, just sad because we would cuddle and just imagine you coming home to us and joining in ;—;

minhyung ❤️

aw nooo i wish i could do that ㅠㅠ

bokkie ♡



do you have any plans for jisung's birthday?

minhyung ❤️

ahh about that

i prepared a gift for him and all, i might send them out some time later today so it arrives on time

would you be an angel and receive the package if it came too early?

bokkie ♡

of course <3


you're not coming home? :((

minhyung ❤️

i'm sorry baby

i'm afraid i couldn't make it to any of your birthdays :(

this week and next week is going to be very busy and i wouldn't be able to go back in time

i would plan to make a small birthday party just for the three of us but i really can't

i'm really sorry :(

bokkie ♡

nooo hyung don't be sorry

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