costume | minchan

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ship : minchan | minho x chan
genre : crack(? idk) | kinda angsty
type : storyline
relationship : friends
status : not requested
(late halloween special!)


"and for this year it's... minho hyung!"

the boys shouted and clapped in excitement as they watched minho sigh. jisung had just picked out minho's name from the bowl to decide who will be the host for this year's halloween party and he was certainly not looking forward to it.

"aw come on hyung, it will be fun!" changbin pointed out when he realized minho wasn't having any of it. "last time i hosted, you guys made a mess and didn't even help me clean up." minho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"hey what do you mean? i helped you!" chan interrupted, but minho was still being sulky about it. the boys continued to persuade the stubborn boy and minho eventually came to a conclusion.

"i'll do it, but on two conditions." he said, making everyone silent as they anticipate what he has to say next. "first, all seven of you promise to stay and help me clean up after the party." he continued, earning a nod from the group.

"and second, all of you need to dress up for the party. i don't want anyone coming just with a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans with the excuse of 'i got no time to change blah blah' am i clear?" minho said in one breath.

"oh wow hyung you really sound like my mom." hyunjin said to break the silence and minho almost launched at him before getting held back by chan and jeongin. "okay okay, do we all agree to minho hyung's conditions?" seungmin took this chance to speak on behalf of minho since he needs to go home early.

well, not that he needs to. he just can't stand the boys any longer and wanted to spend time with his boyfriend instead, but of course he won't say that.

they all nodded, jisung even doing the salute pose as he yelled out a "yes sir!". sadly, he still got hit in the head by minho. definitely didn't end well for him.

"okay so since that's settled, i'm going home. see you guys on sunday!" seungmin said as he grabbed onto changbin's wrist and dragged him along, walking out of hyunjin's apartment. the older wasn't even aware but just followed his boyfriend.

"we should head home too, thanks for the meal jinnie." felix said as he linked his arms with jisung's and head towards the door. the couple stopped on their tracks when jisung suddenly turned around.

"minho hyung, make sure to do a 'best costume award' again this year because i will definitely win this time." he said confidently with a smug look on his face. "yeah sure, you say that every time but still lost three years in a ro-" before the older could even finish, the couple closed the door on them and disappeared.

"minho, you walked here right? i'll drive you home." after the couples left, chan offered to drive the younger home. "there's no need for that, i'm an independent man." minho said as he crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes.

"you know hyung, you can't always be independent. you'll eventually find someone who you can depend on so just drop the act, it's really not worth it." jeongin said out of the blue, making minho flustered. he hated being corrected, but when it comes to the maknae, he can't really do anything about it.

"yeah, okay. i'm going to head off now, bye." he said quickly and left the apartment in a hurry. he doesn't understand why he's so embarrassed, but he surely didn't want to stay any longer.

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