cute | minsung

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ship : minsung | minho x jisung
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : couple
status : not requested
inspired by minho's 'speaking in 3rd person' habit hehe


minho woke up feeling lonely today, it had been days since he last saw jisung and he really missed that cute boyfriend of his. he glanced at his bedside table and grabbed his phone that was left charging. he sent a quick text to jisung and waited for a reply.

it's already been a few minutes yet jisung still haven't seen his text. minho groaned as he plopped himself down on the bed. he felt lonely and wanted attention from his one and only. a few seconds later, without him realizing, minho fell into a quick slumber almost immediately.

minho was then woken up by the continuous notifications swarming his phone. he grunted before taking a hold of his phone to check who's trying to disturb his peaceful sleep.

9:46 am

boyfie ♥

baby are you home

i miss youuuu

reply pls

i want to see youuuu

don't ignore me </3

pls give me attention princess

11:23 am

baby ♡

oop hello minmin

aren't you a little clingy today mister ;)

i'm sorry i had to finish some things with chan hyung just now hehe

and yes i am home, you wanna come over?

i don't miss you tho just saying-


now come here you clingy baby

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now come here you clingy baby


minho's face immediately lit up when he saw that jisung finally replied to his texts. he didn't wait one second before storming off into the bathroom to wash up and change. boy, was he excited.

after making sure he looks presentable, minho grabbed his car keys, wallet and phone before making his way out of the house. locking the doors behind him, he made sure to left some food for his cats back at home.

on his way there, he stopped by the coffee shop to grab himself and jisung some americano. he knows how much the younger loves coffee this time of the day, so buying one is a must.

when he arrived at jisung's, he knocked on the door almost immediately, a wide smile spread across his face. when the door opened slightly, he quickly stormed in and hugged whoever was infront of the door.

"gosh minho, chill. i don't know you missed me."

that voice made minho pulled away from the hug so quick that he almost stumbled over his own feet. it took  him a few seconds to realize he wasn't hugging jisung, he was hugging his boyfriend's best friend instead.

minho huffed in annoyance before pushing the older away as he walked in and makes himself at home. "ji, your boyfriend is a bit grumpy today, good luck with that. i'll see you tomorrow." the other chuckled before getting a short response from jisung who was in the kitchen. "okay hyung, drive safely!"

minho heard the sweet voice of his boyfriend before he ran to the kitchen to engulf the younger in a hug from behind. jisung was surprised at how fast the older came, yet he quickly relaxed to his scent.

"gosh, you have no idea how i missed you." minho said softly as he pouts, his head resting on the other's shoulder. "hyung, it hasn't even been that long. we saw each other like two days ago." jisung chuckled, loving how adorable minho is acting.

"hey, two days feels like two years to me and you know i can't wait that long." minho continued to whine, his voice tone becoming more annoyed and sulky. this made jisung laughs as he finally turned himself to face minho and pinched his cheeks.

"geez, you're so cute when you're clingy." he said as his gummy smile made an appearance. "shut up, i'm not cute." minho quickly denied and the younger just mimicked him which made him even more annoyed.

"oh, you bought us coffee!" trying to change the topic, jisung quickly took the drinks from the older's hands and walked over to the living room. he giggled when he heard minho's subtle whines from the kitchen.

they settled down on the couch and jisung suggested to play a video game together, but minho refused. the younger didn't see this as a problem though, he is still going to play either way.

"hey, what are you doing? you're supposed to be spending time with me, not play video games." minho asked, a pout visible on his lips. "give me a second hyung, i just need to finish the daily quests first." jisung replied, not even sparing a glance at his sulking boyfriend.

minho was okay at first, but he wasn't as patient as he thought he is. the longer he watches jisung play games, the more he wants to protest. he came here for a reason, and he won't let anything go against it.

"yah han jisung, minho wants attention."

that immediately got jisung's attention as his hands stopped abusing the controller he was holding. the expression on his face changed from stressed to surprised in a mere second.

minho saw this as a chance to grab his controller and pressed on the pause button so he can have jisung's full attention. the younger almost broke into laughter before minho spoke.

"what are you laughing at? this isn't funny. minho is really mad." jisung couldn't help but to actually broke into a laugh when the older said that. he then looked at minho with an amusing look, just to infuriate the already annoyed minho even more.

"okay i'm sorry, you're just so cute when you're mad." he said, his hands wanting to pinch minho's cheeks once again. "minho is not cute, how many times does minho needs to say that?" the said boy was still in denial yet jisung didn't care.

to him, minho is the cutest person alive.

"okay okay, you big baby. i'll give you attention alright? come here." he knows he can't take minho's cuteness any longer so he gave in and opened his arms to let the older cuddles him. minho happily puts the controller to the side and jumped into jisung's embrace immediately.

"oh my god, hyung. since when do you act this cute? as far as i'm aware, i'm supposed to be the bottom." jisung giggled when the older nuzzled into his neck. he then got his chest hit by minho, which makes him says "ow, what was that for?", as it was his turn to pout.

"don't test me, lovie. appreciate it while it lasts." minho fought back, causing the younger to get flustered in seconds. the two continued to cuddle until minho fell asleep in jisung's warm embrace.

the younger smiled as he admired minho's gorgeous features, his hand slowly caressing minho's cheeks. the older stirred in his sleep, but a smile appeared on his lips as he mumbles in his sleep. "i love you, sungie." it was slow and unclear, but it still made jisung's heart skipped a beat.

"i love you too, minmin"


hii i wasn't feeling my best so i decided to write something light-hearted, i hope it makes you guys smile too ^^

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