care | seungjin

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ship : seungjin | seungmin x hyunjin
genre : fluff
type : storyline
relationship : strangers
status : requested by armycaratatinystay


(i suck at titles smh)

"maybe you should just go and adopt a dog or something," minho said nonchalantly as he pets his 3 cats that have climbed beside him onto the couch. hyunjin looked over at the older in disbelief.

"i mean, that's why i have these three with me." minho paused before continuing, "sometimes being a single child gave you an opportunity to find a life companion, you know," he finished, his eyes still not leaving the tv screen.

hyunjin decided to put the suggestion into reconsideration. he wouldn't mind getting a dog, in fact he's a canine lover. but the only problem is that he have no knowledge whatsoever to take care of one.

"you can always ask chan hyung to help you," minho said, popping beside hyunjin in a sudden once he saw the worried expression on the younger's face. "once you get one you'll understand how much they change your life, trust me."

hyunjin smiled softly at the older, nodding in the process. maybe he won't be bored anymore being alone at home if he adopts an adorable dog that will wait for him everyday.


hyunjin finally made up his mind to actually get himself a pet. walking to the nearby animal shelter, his mind is constantly filled with name suggestions and what type of dog he will be getting.

getting a good look on the inside from the outside of the animal shelter, he took a deep breath before walking in. he's doing this to prepare his mental and to not get a heart attack from the cuteness of the animals in there.

once he walked in, his eyes immediately caught onto the herds of dogs compiled in one section. some of them are sleeping, playing, eating and there's also a few that's just sitting, waiting to be pet.

hyunjin walked over to the area and pet every dog he sees. the pack are all friendly and lovely and hyunjin couldn't make up his mind on which one he's getting.

"hi there, you're looking for a dog?"

hyunjin heard a voice behind him, preferably from a caretaker there. he looked behind him and was left to stare in awe.

the boy behind him looks amazing with his adorable smile. he had a flower tucked behind his left ear, a signature accessory for the workers there and no matter what, hyunjin can't help but think that the other resembles a cute little puppy.

"you know which one you like?" he asked softly, hyunjin still haven't broken his love trance. he might have just got lovestruck by the adorable boy who is now in front of him.

"you..." hyunjin said trailing off. the other looked at him with a confused look and that's when hyunjin realised he just said something really embarrassing.

"uh no, i mean i want you, wait no w-what i mean is i want to adopt yo- WHAT NO i mean-," hyunjin baffles was stopped when he heard a cute chuckle from the other.

"sir, are you looking for a dog to adopt?" he asked again, and hyunjin only nodded this time. he won't open his mouth again and embarass himself.

"oh what do you think about this one?" the boy picked up a tiny black and white puppy, preferably from the spitz-dog breed. the little canine was reaching out for hyunjin and the boy cooed.

"aww looks like it likes you," he continued which brought a smile to hyunjin's face. he took over the small dog into his hands and hugs it.

maybe this is the one.

but then hyunjin remembered his problem. he wouldn't know what to buy for a dog, what kind of food it will like or even what kind of toy it will play with. he frowned at the thought.

"sir, what's the matter?"

hyunjin perked his head up to the boy and he shyly smiled before scratching  his nape. "i don't know how to take care of a dog, i never had one," he said.

"oh don't worry, i can help you with that," the boy said before standing up and taking the small dog with him. hyunjin stood up and followed his steps.

the boy had took out a cage to put the dog in so hyunjin can bring it home. he then proceeds to write a note on a paper before giving it to hyunjin.

"these are all the things needed for this little fluffball. regarding its health, you can always visit the vet and do a monthly check-up," he said, followed with a sweet smile.

hyunjin took a look at the note and it was a complete list of essentials for the dog and he was so happy to finally be able to take care of his pet.

"oh before i forgot," the boy had a realisation before taking back the paper in hyunjin's hand and write some more on it before handing it back.

"i've put my number there, so if you need any help you can just call me," he smiled, showing his perfectly arranged teeth. it was so cute that hyunjin felt his heart skipped a beat. he looked over to the note to see what the other wrote.

call me if you need help with anything!
~seungmin :)

'seungmin...' hyunjin smiled at the thought of the cute boy's name. it's weird how this boy in front him is making him feel things and he's not even mad about it.

"thank you for adopting our little fellow, i wished you all the best and may this cutie behave and treats you well," seungmin said after finishing everything that's required to be filled.

"um seungmin?" hyunjin asked softly, not wanting to sound like he's desperate or anything. the latter hummed, signaling the other to continue.

"you don't mind if i call you for other reasons, do you?" hyunjin asked shyly, his hands automatically scratched his nape again. something he always do when he's nervous.

seungmin chuckled at the other, thinking that it was a cute gesture. "like what?" he asked.

"you know, like maybe getting to know each other a bit more?" hyunjin replied, slowly feeling himself getting more awkward than ever. his heart is beating so fast out of nervousness.

he heard the other giggled and his heart almost stopped. he looked over to seungmin to see him smiling sweetly.

"sure, i'll be waiting for your call,"


i hope you like you like this chapter, thank you for requesting! <3

-love, dee

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