Chapter 89 Boys will be boys

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At first glance, Boncini might seem like a smaller estate, but there was still plenty to explore. He had only been here a handful of days, but slowly his life slipped into a steady rhythm.

In the morning he woke up to the sound of roosters, and horses being fed. He had learned quickly to dress himself, since there were no servants to assist with such simple tasks. There was his wetnurse, of course, but Vara had told him kindly but firmly he was old enough to dress himself. He had begrudgingly done so at first, but now he prided himself in being independent.

Once he was dressed, he'd snag a piece of bread from the kitchen before heading towards the stables where he would check on his horse. He wasn't really expected to feed the animal himself, but he enjoyed helping out and watching the stable hands groom the horses.

By the time Chloe went to retrieve the eggs from the chickencoop, Lucius would return to the house for a proper breakfast. Usually his aunt Vara was also up and about by then. She always seemed busy with one thing or another. Whether it be kneading dough for the bread or sorting through papers. He had seen the study, it was where he had his lessons, and it was a mess. When Achaikos had first walked in, the man had almost fainted. He had tried to tidy up, but within the day, scrolls and papers had been all over the place again.

After breakfast, Lucius had two hours of lessons. Once he had finished those to his teacher's satisfaction, he was free to go outside or explore the house. Sometimes he'd play with Phoebe. The little girl had mad a habit of trailing after him. Vara hadn't been kidding when she'd said the girl was a handful. She seemed fearless. Twice, Lucius'd had to pull her away to prevent her from getting trampled by a horse.

At the end of each afternoon, he had riding lessons. The stable master Philip would have him groom and saddle his horse by himself and then instruct him how to ride and keep his horse under control. Then, after returning his horse to the stables, it was time for dinner and then bed.

He learned to ask politely if he wanted something, and not get in the way where people were working. He helped feed the chickens, clean the goat pen, and fold laundry.

It was a strange new life for him, but he found he liked it. He still missed his mother, but the constant feeling of loss wasn't so prominent anymore. Now, he could bear it.

On the morning of the fifth day, when he was helping Chloe collect eggs, a rider was announced. Lucius watched curiously as Lykander accompanied the rider towards the house. Not long after, Vara came outside. She spoke with the rider for a moment, and then a smile of relief spread over her face.

It must be good news then.

Next to Lucius, Chloe looked at the exchange too. When the rider followed Vara and Lykander inside, Chloe turned to Lucius. "Let's go inside, prince Lucius. There must be news from the front."

The front.

The war.

Lucius frowned in thought. "Aunt Vara looked happy. It must be good news, right?"

Chloe smiled hesitantly. "Perhaps," she said.

He followed her inside. In the hallway they ran into Vara. She smiled at them. "Chloe," she asked the servant girl, "could you prepare a meal for our guest? You may serve it in the parlor." As Chloe curtsied and made her way to the kitchen, Vara turned to Lucius. "Lucius, you should go clean up and put on a formal attire, alright? There is an official messenger from the fort. You should represent the house Aurelios."

Lucius nodded meekly and looked down at his clothes. Normally here at Boncini he wore simpler tunics. Clothes that could get dirty and were comfortable to wear. But he did have formal wear. The deep scarlet of the house Aurelios, tunics embroidered with the gold insignia of the royal family. Even a small silver laurel that marked him as a prince. It as the first time he'd wear something like that here.

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