Chapter 85 The love we take for granted

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The ceremony was simpler than it would have been had they not been at war. Not many of the lords had come. Lord Matís and lord Horas felt uncomfortable leaving their borders with the attacks there continuing, but they had sent their deepest sympathies and their regret for not being able to attend. The Da Santi family was still in mourning themselves after the loss of Alcaeus, so they, too, had sent their condolences. But Iolaus' father had come to pay his respects, as well as lord Riccardo Prias and his wife, who had been friends with Ariane. And Hector Strega had come as a representative of the Strega family, accompanied by his wife.

Vara didn't have much time to speak with anyone. The moment she had arrived in Auros, she had been pulled aside by lady Eurydice's servants and brought to the chambers of Cyrus' grandmother.

The woman had aged since Vara had last seen her and she didn't hesitate to embrace her tightly.

Eurydice had returned the embrace and then resorted to studying Vara all over as if to make sure the girl was really there. When she'd been satisfied, Vara had been brought up to speed with the situation.

Eurydice worried mostly about Cyrus. Ever since returning home, Cyrus had locked himself up in his room and refused to see anyone, even his own son. All he did was drink, and shout at the servants. King Marcos had tried to talk some sense into him, but that had only lead to more resistance, and the king didn't have the time to call his son to order. He had a war to focus on. And with Cyrus back in Auros, he needed to take care of things himself.

Eurydice hoped Vara would be able to talk some sense into Cyrus. He had always listened to her in the past. Whenever he'd had one of his tantrums, Vara'd be the only one able to calm him down and Eurydice hoped it was still so.

But before Vara had a chance to approach Cyrus, there was the actual funeral and she had guests to greet.

Vara felt a little lost without Iason at her side. She would be glad for the ceremony to be over so she could return home, but she had the feeling that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

Her eyes moved to Cyrus, who stood not far away from her, receiving sympathies from the guests.

He did look bad. His eyes were red rimmed with dark circles underneath. Stubble lined his cheeks, and his face had an ashen color.

If any of the guests were bothered by his lethargic replies, no one said anything of it. Perhaps they thought it normal behavior after losing his wife and unborn child.

But it still bothered Vara.

She glanced at Lucius, who had quietly retreated to the corner of the room. Cyrus hadn't even looked his way once since she had been here. Lady Eurydice had been right. He completely ignored his own son. She would have addressed it if it hadn't been for the nobles that were still here. For now, the matter would have to wait until she could speak with Cyrus in private, but first the royal family would gather at the tomb where Ariane would be laid to rest in the Aurelios family grave.

It was strange to see the entire family fit into one carriage. Vara sat next to Cyrus on one bench, with king Marcos and lady Eurydice across from them on the other. Little Lucius sat on lady Eurydice's lap with his head on her shoulder. He had been awfully quiet the entire day.

Vara glanced at Cyrus. Even this close to his son he didn't acknowledge the boy, nor did he anyone else. He was quietly staring out of the carriage window through the small crack in the curtain.

Vara sighed and looked out of the other window. An awkward, laden silence had settled over the carriage and all she wanted was to escape it.

"How is Iason faring at the border?" lady Eurydice's gently voice broke the silence and Vara turned to her.

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