Chapter 55

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Zayn had no idea what happened. all he knew was, his head was hurting and he was on the bed but that definitely was not his bedroom.

His head was heavy as hell. He tried to get up and sit. He held his head and groaned a little. "Liam," he called but got no answer. he placed his hand on his belly and that's when he noticed his clothes were missing. His eyes went wide.

He looked beside him and tears started running down his eyes. That couldn't happen! how did Andre came there?! he looked around and found himself in a unknown place.

"No," he said getting out of the bed. he saw his clothes on the floor and quickly put them on. He then ran out of the house crying his eyes out.

He didn't remember anything. How did it happen? what will he tell Liam? he took a cab and got inside the cab and took out his cell phone. he tried to turned it on but it was dead.

He didn't know what to do. He just wanted his boyfriend. But he was scared. He reached the building and ran to the penthouse. He opened the door and there was Liam fuming in anger. but why was Rae there? Zayn ignored her. "Liam," Zayn said taking a step towards him. "Don't. just stay there. don't take a step closer," he said and Zayn's mind went blank. What was he saying?

"What? What is this damn it?!" he asked angrily.

"what are you talking about?" Zayn asked not being able to understand his anger.

Liam closed his eyes balling his fist, "you don't know what I'm talking about?! How could you do this Zayn?! I loved you with my whole heart and- and this is how – I don't understand Zayn! I loved you like a mad person and – did you ever loved me?!" Liam yelled taking Zayn by surprise.

"What are you talking Liam? I love you-,"Zayn cried but Liam threw the photographs at his face.

"Then why did you sleep with him?! why Zayn!?" Liam yelled.

Zayn reached to pick up one of the pictures with his shaky hand. He picked it up and saw it was a picture of him and Andre.

Tears started running down his face. "No, Liam. please listen thi-," Zayn cried but Liam yelled again leaving him startled.

"Shut the fuck up! Don't you dare to feed me with lies! I am watching where the fuck you were last night and with whom! I know there was something going on Zayn! I kept quite but I knew something was up," Liam said angrily, "Why?! I did everything for you. I love you so much then why did you do this to me? I know I had made some mistake but I tried so hard to make them right. I love you so much and this is what you do to me."

"No Liam, please listen. I love-," Zayn tried to speak but Liam cut him again.

"Don't you dare! Don't say that you love me when you don't! you didn't have to break my heart like this if you didn't love me," Liam said looking at him with hurtful eyes.

"I didn't-," Zayn tried to speak again but couldn't.

"was he the one texting you and calling you all the time?" Liam asked and Zayn was scared to answer that question.

"Yes, but he-," Zayn tried to explain it to him but again Liam was not listening.

"No, stop. I don't want to hear all your bullshit. I got my answers. You did what you did. Now you can leave. Have a good life with him. get out of my house. and I am begging you Zayn, don't show me your face ever again," Liam said turning around and rushing towards his bedroom wiping out his tears.

"Liam," Zayn whispered but he was gone.

Rae watched everything. And then walked out once her job was done.

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