Chapter 25

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Hello people. my apologies to everyone. i am trying to update both of my fanfiction simultaneously. 
Thanks for waiting...

Liam pulled his white t shirt down his head. The light fabric stick to his wet body displaying his perfect abs and biceps. He put on his black jeans and white convers and took out his black lather jacket from the closet.

He walked out with his jacket in his hand. He walked down to the living room where Niall was sitting comfortably reading newspaper while having his orange juice.

"where ya going bro ?" he asked noticing his best friend.

"work," Liam said taking his orange juice and taking a sip from it.

"hmm. My work will be done by tonight. I'm leaving tomorrow night," Niall inform him.

"is it important to go ?" Liam asked.

He wanted him to stay a little longer. He just didn't wanted to deal with what was coming next.

" No," Niall said.

"then don't go," Liam said and Niall looked at him.

He watched him for few seconds before letting out a deep breathe.

"I will stay as long as you want me to, alright," Niall said and Liam smiled at him.

"Thanks," he said.

"No need to say thanks," Niall said and Liam got up putting on his lather jacket, "and before you go bring me a glass of juice, bitch."

Niall said looking at his empty glass of juice. Liam showed him middle finger walking out of his penthouse.

Liam got into his Aston Martin DB11 and ignite the engine.

He started driving and took the path that lead to his destiny.

Zayn on the other hand was struggling to tie his shoe lace.

"why my life is so tough !" he groaned giving up trying to tie up his shoe lace. His bump was getting bigger as the baby was growing healthy inside him. And now little things were getting a challenge to do.

"Sarah !!" he yelled calling for her.

"What happen, love ?" Trisha asked entering his bedroom. She found his son crying and cooed because he was looking damn cute.

"aw babe. What happened ?" she asked walking up to him.

"I can't tie the lace of my shoes Mom. Life is so tough. This is so unfair. I can't tie my shoe lace and I am getting fat ! I look like a bloody whale !" Zayn sobbed.

Trisha didn't wanted to but she can't helped letting out a small laugh.

Zayn's hormones were all over the places. Poor boy can't help it either but he had to deal with them.

"It's okay honey. Don't cry love. Come, let me help you," she kneeled in front of him and tied up his lace properly.

Zayn sniffed wiping out his tears which keep rolling down his pretty hazel eyes.

"don't cry," she said wiping out his tears. "I don't look good. I look so fat," Zayn pouted.

"who said that !?" Trisha said holding his hands, "you look so stunning baby. Have you seen the way you are glowing ? you look like a divine angle. You are not fat love, there is a life inside you. No one compares to my son," She said kissing his cheek then the top of his head and her words made him felt good.

"smile now," she said smiling at him, "now let's go. Breakfast will be cold. And you are going to have a big day today, you realized that right ?" she said and Zayn nodded.

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