Chapter 8

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The next morning Zayn woke up around seven. He was still tired from the last night activity but he had no option. He had to go to the collage. He still need to find who called his father to complain about him and Louis. He got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. He walked into the washroom and brushed his teeth before taking a quick shower. He dried his hair and wore his jeans and full sleeve white tee. After getting ready he walked out the bathroom and put on the radio. He raised the volume when 'Beat it' came on and went inside the kitchen singing along. He made his coffee and breakfast for him and Liam. He had his breakfast and put the empty plate in the sink. He arranged his stuffs and put them in his bag pack. He then went to then bedroom and Liam was now sleeping on his stomach with a pillow pressed against his ear from one hand. He took his demine jacket and went outside. He grabbed the bag and left the apartment.

"Oi you're on time mate," Louis said getting out of his car.

"yep. I'm always ready for the drama," Zayn said walking over him.

"right. Let's make this day memorable for him," Louis said walking over to the passenger seat.

"Listen, why do you both pull shits like this ? He is our professor for God sake ! Don't mess with him," Harry said from the backseat.

"Shut up Harry you don't know what he did," Zayn said igniting the engine.

"yes. He called our parents to complain about us," Louis said.

"what are you both ? Five years old ! Why do you do shit that they have to call your parents ? Act like you are in collage not in high school," Harry scolded them.

"Harry honey , do us a favor and stay out of this please. We know how to handle them," louis said looking back at him with a fake smile.

"anyways all the professors thinks that we are a bad company for you Harry. You should really stay away from this," Zayn said his eyes focused on the road.

"Oh really ! Stay out of it ?! Yeah okay let's see for how long," Harry said folding his hands around himself.

After few more minutes Zayn parked the car in the parking lot and they all went out.

"Just don't get suspend. It will be boring without you too," Harry said before he walked away.

"Let's go ," Louis said and Zayn nodded.

They both walked to their class and sat down in the middle seat right next to each other. After some time the class got filled with students. Few more minutes later Prof. Grimshaw entered the class and Louis almost choked on his spit. Zayn on the other hand bite his lips trying to control his laughter but he was not sure for how long.

"Um excuse me sir," Louis said gaining every body's attention towards him.

"what is it Mr. Tomlinson," the professor asked breathing out not really willing to deal with him.

"I just wanted to ask if you know you have come to the right place," Louis asked and Zayn smirked knowing exactly what was going to happen.

"What ? What is this question," the professor asked in annoyance.

"he asked if you know you have come to the right place because this is not a circus you know," Zayn said making everyone laugh a little.

"yeah I mean you look like a clown so ..," Louis said making everyone laugh.

And yes wearing a colorful shirt and sparkling boots was not a very good choice.

"you think this is funny ! Disrespecting your teacher in front of your fellow mates ? You both wait -," the professor tried to say but Zayn cut him mid sentence.

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