Chapter 6

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It was almost nine at night when Liam got home. He opened the door and found the apartment dead silent. He dropped his bag near the couch and made his way towards his bedroom. He opened the door and sigh. Zayn was randomly laying down on the bed with his eyes closed and headphone on. He was sniffing and occasionally wiping out his tears that managed to escape his closed eyes.

Liam ran his fingers through his hair looking at the younger lad. He then silently closed the door and took off his tshirt. He then went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went back to his room. Zayn was still laying on the bed unaware of the fact that Liam was home.

"hey," Liam said laying down next to him and took Zayn's phone. He unplugged the headphone and played the song on speaker , "what you listening ?"

And 'can we kiss forever' was one perfect song to make Zayn's mood even more emotional.

"Liam ! Give it back !" Zayn yelled sitting up.

"No," he said putting the headphone under the pillow.

"why are you annoying me ? Please leave me alone. Please," Zayn almost begged and Liam breathed in pushing back the urge to punch Justin when Zayn's voice cracked.

Zayn was looking at him with teary eyes and Liam just couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to hold him and let him cry. So, Liam pulled him to his chest. He held the younger lad closer rubbing his back softly while Zayn hugged his waist crying softly against his chest. Zayn threw his leg over Liam's and tangled them up. Liam softly rubbed his thigh up and down and he strangely felt relaxed in his touch and sighed.

After laying there for a while Liam looked down at Zayn who was laying still on his chest.

"Cmon. Get up and go change," Liam said.

Zayn looked up at him and shook his head.

"so you just want to lay here and cry over that fucker ?" he asked and Zayn looked down without answering him.

"I'm sure that's what you have done the whole day. Now it's enough," Liam said standing up. He then bend and picked up Zayn in his arms. Zayn gasped a little and put his hands around his neck.

"Liam -," the younger lad tried to speak but Liam cut him.

"shut up," he said walking into his closet and putting him down on his feet.

"Change now," Liam said pulling out a black tshirt and black skinny jeans and throwing them towards Zayn.

Zayn catched them and looked up at the burnet man.

"Five minutes you have," Liam said taking his clothes and walking out leaving him alone.

Zayn sighed and put on the clothes Liam gave him. He put on his shoes and did his hair.

"Zayn," the burnet man called and Zayn ran out of the closet bumping into him.

"Slow down. Let me just grab my keys," Liam said grabbing the keys from the cabinet.

"where are you taking me ?" Zayn asked picking up his phone.

" to the cliff so I can push you off," Liam turned towards Zayn who was standing looking pale. Liam laughed and shook his head.

"Chill. Not gonna kill you so soon," Liam chuckled.

After taking his wallet and cell phone they left the apartment.

"is this yours ?" Zayn asked as Liam took the cover off his motorbike.

"yep. bought it few years back. Now come on. Sit," Liam said putting on his helmet.

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