Chapter 49

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Zayn was having a great time with his horses and Liam was happy to see him happy. He was watching Zayn riding his shiny black horse while he stayed out of their track. He had zero idea about it and he didn't want any of his bones broken so he chose his safety.

"Liam!" Zayn yelled coming towards him, "I'm telling you nothing will happen. Trust me," he said trying to convenes him.

"No. babe. I'm fine," Liam said folding his arms over his chest.

"Please," he pouted leaning forwards kissing his horse's head laying comfortably. "No," Liam said shaking his head.

"Heartless," Zayn said rolling his eyes at Liam, "Let's go Percy." He said riding away from him.

Liam shook his head pulling out his cell phone. He took some pictures of Zayn and posted it on his Instagram so Trisha could see how happy he was and not accuse him of making her son sad.

It was getting late. And he didn't want Zayn to get tired. He was planning a dinner date later that night and he didn't want his lovely boyfriend to sleep.

He saw Zayn was sitting on his horse petting him. Percy was standing eating some grass and Zayn yawned feeling tired. He has been playing with his horse since afternoon. he walked towards them calling for him.

"C'mon babe. Let's go. It's getting late," he said petting Percy before grabbing the belt around it's neck. He brought them back to the stable and Zayn got off. They left Percy back in it's stall and Zayn waved him goodbye before leaving the stable.

"Are you tired ?" Liam asked and Zayn nodded a little.

"Don't worry. you will be fine. Let's go get dressed then I have a surprise for you," Liam asked and Zayn got excited.

"What surprise ? please tell me," he asked getting impatience.

"Have a little patience babe," Liam chuckled. He grabbed him by his waist pulling him closer.

"Okay. But I can't be patience for too long Liam," Zayn said looking up to him.

"I will not keep you waiting. Anyways. Go get dressed. we are going on a ride," Liam told him and Zayn nodded running up to their bedroom.

He took off boots and jeans. He sat down on the floor near his bag. He looked deeply in his bag trying to find something good to wear.

"He didn't tell me where he is taking me. what should I wear ?" He asked himself.

Liam came to his room with Burger and found Zayn going through his clothes.

"Just keep it simple babe. Nothing fancy," Liam said and Zayn mumbled 'okay' pulling out his baby blue T-shirt and light brown jeans short.

He changed his clothes and came out of the bathroom. he saw Liam talking to someone over cell phone walking out in the balcony. He picked up his pup and sat down on his bed. he patiently waited for Liam to get over the call. He then laid down with is pup and his eyes began to close.

Soon he fell asleep and was Liam was still talking.

Nearly forty-five minutes later Liam came inside the room and found his boyfriend sleeping.

He sighed moving closer to him. he didn't want to wake him up. But he also didn't want to let the date go in the trash.

"Hey, love," Liam said caressing his cheek, "C'mon babe. Wake up."

Zayn woke up and looked at Liam and closed his eyes again. "I don't want to go anymore," he mumbled. "Oh babe, don't be like this now. C'mon wake up or we'll be late," Liam said trying to wake him up.

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