Chapter 41

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"Can we please watch something else ?" Zayn asked his friends who dragged him to the movie theater to watch the latest horror movie.

"No. we are here to watch this particular movie and that's what we are going to watch," Louis said taking his hand and dragging him to the food counter. Niall and Harry were buying the tickets. Harry knew Zayn was a person who gets scared easily. Still he didn't want to create a scene in public and bought two tickets for the horror movie and two tickets of rom com.

"Listen, go watch the horror movie with him. I'll take Zayn to watch something else. Zayn gets scared very easily. And he can't handle it," Harry said handing him the tickets.

"okay," Niall said taking the tickets.

"Zee, let's go," Harrys said watching Louis and Zayn coming towards them with food. "Okay. I need to pee," Niall said rushing towards the washroom.

"I don't want to watch horror movie please," he pouted looking like he would cry any moment.

"Don't worry love. We are going to watch something else," Harry said taking the food tray from his hand.

"Why ? we came here to watch that movie," Louis whined.

"Don't be a bitch. You know he don't like scary movies. Go enjoy it with Niall and let me take Zayn to watch something he is comfortable watching," Harry snapped.

"Why do you always feel like I want the bad for him ? I love him he is best friend. I just want him to feel distracted. I do care for him Harry," Louis fought back.

Zayn was looking between both of them and tears filled in his eyes again. say one word and Zayn will cry. God know why he loves crying so much.

"okay fine. I'll watch the movie Louis wants us to watch. But please don't fight. Please," Zayn said holding Harry's hand. He looked over Louis who sighed.

"You don't have to Zayn. I'm sorry I was forcing you," Louis said shaking his head.

"No it's fine. Please," Zayn said.

"What happened ?" Niall asked approaching them and sensing the trouble.

"Nothing," Harry said walking inside the theater.

Zayn pouted and looked down.

"I'm sorry Zee. You don't have to watch the movie. We can go to the gaming station," Louis suggested.

"No. it's fine Lou. We will watch the movie. I'm fine. And you all will be there. I will be fine. I'm such a baby. I get scared of something which is fiction. Niall can you bring the tickets ?" Zayn asked Niall and he nodded.

Niall brought the movie passes and they walked in the theater. The hall was not completely filled. The saw Harry and made their way towards him. They sat down and Zayn sat in between Louis and Harry.

He prayed to god to give him strength to watch the movie.

He really wished for Liam to be there. the movie got started and Harry held his hand caressing his knuckles.

Zayn somehow watched the movie and by the end he was terrified to his core.

They came out of the theater. Niall and Louis were still talking about the movie. Harry held Zayn's hand making him flinched a little and turned to look back at them talking.

"it's eight. Let's get back home before Liam comes. Or he will kill us for taking him out," Harry said and they nodded.

Liam has made some strict rules for Zayn till he gets fine fully. And he was being really serious with Zayn's health. They got into their car and Niall drove towards the penthouse. Soon he parked the car in the parking and breathed out in relief because Liam's car was not there.

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