Chapter 45

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Liam was trying to wake up his boyfriend who fell asleep watching the movie. He pushed back the hair resting on Zayn's forehead. "Wake up babe. We have to get ready," Liam said looking down at him.

Zayn woke up blinking his eyes lazily. He was still feeling sleepy and tired. He closed his eyes snuggling closer to Liam.

"No, c'mon. wake up," Liam said parting him away a little from him. Zayn whined a little not willing to go anywhere.

"No whining Zayn. Go get ready or else we'll be late. Aren't you excited about what Alexander going to announce ?" Liam asked.

Zayn opened his eyes and looked at Liam. "It's already seven, baby. C'mon let's go get ready," Liam said getting up and pulling him up as well.

He guided him upstairs to their bedroom to get dressed. Liam got ready quickly. He went to check on Zayn who was slowly getting dressed. Liam frowned wondering if he was alright.

"Are you not feeling good babe ?" Liam asked walking up to him.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired," Zayn replied putting on his cologne.

"Yes. Humiliating Rae must have taken up some energy, don't it ?" Liam chuckled making Zayn glare at him.

"Why does that bother you ?" Zayn asked.

"It doesn't bother me whatever you said to her. But your mouth got no control. You can be really rough with your speech sometimes," Liam said. Which was not a lie. Zayn could be rough sometimes.

"I get rough with people who deserves it. I don't have a hobby to go around sassing everyone," Zayn defended himself.

"Hm. Fair enough. Now if you are done then let's go, shall we ?" Liam asked and Zayn nodded.

"Oh wait, I forgot," Liam said walking over the cabinet. "What ?" Zayn asked.

"Patience babe," Liam said taking out a box from the cabinet.

Zayn was curiously looking what Liam was doing. Liam then brought the boxes to where Zayn was standing.

"Tiffany ?" asked looking at the blue boxes.

"Give me your hand," Liam said taking out an eternity band. He took his hand and slid it down Zayn's finger.

"How is it ?" Liam asked. Zayn smiled widely looking at the ring.

"I love it. thank you," he said blushing a little.

"Wait for the next one babe," Liam said taking out a double diamond chain and placing it around his neck.

"thank you Liam. I love them," Zayn squealed hugging him. Liam smiled hugging him back.

"I love you babe," he said pecking his lips.

"Me too," Zayn said and Liam chuckled.

"Okay, let's go," Liam took his hand and walked out. They got into his car and Liam drove them to the restaurant Alexander asked them to come.

Liam got out and jogged to the other side. He opened the door for Zayn and found him struggling to take off his seatbelt. He chuckled shaking his head. Somethings about some people never change.

"Let me help," he said and Zayn huffed pulling his hands back. Liam freed him form the seatbelt and Zayn got out. They walked in the restaurant and was greeted by Alexander.

Alexander chose a very high-class elegant restaurant. And Zayn liked it.

"I thought you will not show up," Alexander said taking a seat.

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