Chapter 1

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"Sharing ! With him ?! Never in a million years," Zayn said folding his arms around his delicate body.

"oh cmon Zee. Sharing is caring," louis the burnet guy said trying to convince his best friend.

"No it's not. I'd rather live on the streets than sharing a room with him," Liam said glaring at Zayn and then at his best friend.

"listen Zayn, if I had a place I would have just packed your bags and bring it to my place but you know love, my hands are tied. And I care for you that's why I am asking you to move in with Liam just for few months. This is Ryan's final year. In four months he will be done and move out. And I promise I will pack your bags and bring it to my place the moment he sets his foot out of my apartment," louis said shifting a little bit forward towards his best friend.

Zayn looked at Liam and the only feeling he got was of hateret. He just hated him. For Zayn he was the biggest asshole in the whole entire world, bigger than his exes. He remembered how Liam teased him when he was wearing a flower crown which his mother made for him. He teased him so much that Zayn ended up crying for two days straight. Harry was too wearing a flower crown but he only made fun of him. Liam always annoyed him and once he pushed him in the swimming pool knowing he can't swim. Luckily Louis and Harry were already in the pool and saved him from drowning. All he ever had for Liam was hate.

Zayn looked at Liam and then looked at Louis who was looking with him with a lots of expectation in his eyes. Zayn signed and shook his head. He'd rather stay in his dorm with his pervert roommate than sharing a room with Liam. "No," Zayn wishpered before getting up and leaving the café they were sitting in.

"Thank you!" he heard Liam yelled but ignored it and walked out.

"will you stop yelling," Harry said coming behind the counter in his apron with a note pad and pen in his hand.

"look we never had asked you if the situation was not serious. Just understand that. My apartment is not big enough for both of us to fit in. plus Ryan is already living there," Louis said trying to convince his friend of 6 years.

"he has a boyfriend right ? Ask him to move in with him," Liam said.

"they are not on the good terms or he would have," Louis said.

" look Li, His room mate is such an asshole. He literally once tried to kiss him forcefully. It was God's grace that Louis came on time or you wouldn't have thought what could have happened. He is an addict," Harry said leaning on Louis chair while he nodded.

"why didn't he complained to the warden and changed his room," Liam asked frowning his brows.

"that was the first thing we did but nothing really worked," Harry said tapping his pen on his note pad, "I even tried to move him in with me in my dorm but my room mate was not ready to exchange."

"Listen, if it was not that urgent we would have never asked you in the first place," Louis said taking a sip from his coffee, " apart from that the real reason why we asked you is that because we trust you enough. You are a good guy Liam and we know that it don't matter how much you hate him for whatever reason you have, you being a nice guy will never turn down anyone who need help." Harry looked at him and then back at Liam.

Liam leaned back on his chair and placed his cup of coffee near his lips. "Okay. I'm ready to help him but I have some ground ruled he needs to follow," he said take in a small sip from his cup.

Louis squealed and hugged Liam from across the table, "thank you Li."

"okay bring him tomorrow -," Liam said but Louis cut him.

"tonight," he said and Liam glared at him.

"tonight. I'm off to work now," with that Liam walked out of the café to gym.

He worked in a video game store and at the gym as an instructor in the evening. He was 27 and a drop out. Which was the worst decision of his life. He always wanted to own a gym but luck was not with him so he ended up doing what he do. He has taken a pledge that one day he will get want he wants. Apart from that he also is really interested in learning coding and do it in his free time.

He met Louis almost six years back in a football club and got along really quick. He easily became friends Harry but Zayn and him never got along.

Zayn on the hand unlocked his dorm and opened the door. He quickly closed it and ran out of the building. He reached to the café where they were earlier sitting and Harry worked. He saw Louis still sitting in his place and ran towards him.

"I am ready to move in with him," he said completely out of breath. Louis looked at him and raised his brows, "are you okay ? What happened ?" he asked.

"I went back to my dorm and unlocked the door and there they were smoking weed and well doing things," Zayn said sitting down in front of Louis and taking sips of water from the glass which Harry passed him.

"that's it. I will be done with my shift in ten minutes. We will go back and pack your stuffs. You are moving in tonight," Harry said and Louis nodded in agreement.

Zayn leaned back on his chair and breathed out. If he could tolerate his drugie room mate for a whole semester then he surly can tolerate Liam too.

It took more than hour to pack Zayn's stuffs not because he was an unorganised person but his room mates and his friends where getting on their nervous and Louis twice argued with them and almost picked up a fight.

By ten fifteen they reached to Liam's apartment and Harry rang the bell holding a sleepy Zayn in his arms.

Liam opened the door wear nothing but just a towel. His greek body was looking delicious as it was soaking wet. He had a towel around his neck and was drying his wet hair from one end.

"Ohhh ! So wet Payno," Louis said winking at him. Liam smirked and Harry shook his head.

"can we come in," he said and Zayn opened his eyes. Liam let them in and closed the door behind.

His apartment was not big nor too small. Just a medium size apartment with a living room , a bathroom , a kitchen and one bedroom.

" so here is his stuffs. Not much just two suitcase and this box contains his books and other stuffs," Harry said gently running his long fingers through Zayn's jet black hair making him fall asleep.

"what happened to him," Liam asked looking at Zayn.

"nothing just sleepy," Harry said looking down at him.

"yes and by that I remember. How are you going to adjust for the night," louis asked.

"I guess for tonight he can sleep on the couch as he is already dozing off. And tomorrow we will talk about it," Liam said rubbing his hair from the towel.

"yeah whatever. Just please don't kill each other," Louis said.

Harry laid him down on the quite big couch and took of his shoes. He placed a pillow under his head and looked up at Liam.

"cover him with a blanket. He feels really cold. I guess we will come by after college," Louis said and Liam nodded.

Liam walked them out and closed the door. He walked back in the living room and breathed out, "good luck living with him Liam," he told himself and went inside his room. He took out a blanket and went out. He kneeled in front Zayn's sleeping body and covered him up with blanket.

"look how innocent you look sleeping so peacefully. But you are not at all innocent and that's one of the things I hate about you," Liam said before getting up and went inside his room.

Somehow they have ended up together in Liam's apartment. God knows what waiting for them. 

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