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I am sorry I just feel really shit right now.
I feel empty like I am just a shell that everything I am has been ripped out from me because it's not what others expect or want me to be.
Hollow, that no conversations or books are helping fill the gap. My family is fighting so much right now, my sister has already been kicked our four times the tension is suffocating.
I am in my last yet of high school and I am under so much pressure to do well in my exams an I've always been the person that worries any way and now things are getting worse and I am overwhelmed. Also I said previously that I had a secret account on Instagram that had really depressing stuff on it and the person I trusted to tell about it told my sister so now I am constantly afraid of what's going to happen.
I don't feel like my friends are my friends anymore, like we've slowly even drifting apart and now she spends all her time with someone else and doesn't put any effort In, I don't get to see my other friend anymore because she is chronically ill and has no energy to come to school or see anyone. And I just feel really alone at the moment as though no matter how much I try to fix things to make myself better to change for other people it never works and I am forgotten about all over.

I am really sorry I ranted.

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