Any given moment

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Trigger warning .
I tried something a little different , hope you like it. x

The girl who appeared to be nothing special , very average in everything she does , yes there are a few aspects of her that may surprise you , but no one paid enough attention to know . She was like everyone else , was friendly towards everyone and got along with everyone she spoke to , she had a regular family that fought on occasion much like everyone else , sometimes she forgot to do her homework . To everyone around her she appeared normal. But she wasn't like this constantly . Throughout her life from the age of ten upward she had been concerned with her weight , much like other teenagers at one point or another . This was something she discussed with no one . She knew of a few people who had felt the same and she helped them with it. But never would they give advice back - because they didn't know - this girl had three faces , the one she showed to everyone , the happy bubbly side of her , the one with all the surface emotions showed wether it was anger , happiness ! jealousy . The second she only showed when she was alone , revealing her true emotions . When she felt alone but rather then being open she would hide through a smile . This face meant she didn't have to put on the smile to please everyone else . And the third , everything she could be all the possibilities . For she would only show the first face so how could anyone know ? . This girl had not been diagnosed with an eating disorder or any form of 'illness' . She was her own enemy . She had counted calories and gone on crazy exercise methods in attempt to maintain a weight she was comfortable with . What made it so difficult for anyone to notice is that this would happen in intervals , it wasn't constant but it didn't mean it didn't play on her mind all the time .. She had secret accounts in hope of finding somewhere to release her emotions , but often or not they would just make her feel inadequate , fat , worthless , stupid , alone .
Only when one of her friends who also felt the same and had their own account found her account did she have someone to discuss how she felt , together they helped each other overcome the demon inside their heads screaming constantly . None of these emotions interfered with what everyone else thought as she kept it hidden . The two girls escaped and for a brief period were aloud to breath .But soon , she fell , she fell back into the pit of despair as the voices returned . Only this time she had no one , her friend had deleted her account and no longer felt the cold grasp of Anna (anorexia) , cat (cutting) and Emily( bulimia). Whilst she still did . Feeling lost she used what she could to carve into skin on her upper thigh . Blaming any visible marks on out of school activities . Only recently had it gotten this bad but for five years it had been like this a roll costed of self esteem and worth as she questioned whether she was anything important . In this time only a few people had questioned her or said that she didn't not need to loose any weight , but these were often only said once and the matter was pushed no further . But she had also made other friendships that she could rely on further such as her closest male friend Robbie . She had known him the longest of all her friends they were born only a few months apart and their parents had been close therefore they grew up with one another . But only recently had Robbie come back into her life . Because of the distance between the two families they were not able to see each other often so they would meet in the holidays but when they did get the chance it felt as if it didn't matter what else was going on in the world because where ever she was as long as they were together you felt your childhood release as no one was pressuring her. Social media and the perfect body was out of site as she was too busy consumed in the moment catching up with Robbie and laughing at the silliest things . In the recent months Robbie and his family moved to your town , it was then there friendship grew , almost everyday they would spend together but now there was no media blackout as school surrounded her . She refused to let Robbie see the real her , so she kept her first face up around him . no rest was given .
One day it all became too much the battle raging on inside her head proved to be one she couldn't win. once again grasping anything sharp enough to allow the red liquid to trickle down her skin .She put pressure on her skin and watched it break . Tears fell and landed on the fresh cuts causing them to sting

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