Justin POV

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"Justin, I'm in the hospital... Sorry to bother you....I thought you wanted to know where I was..but you're not picking up so.. Bye." The voicemail rang out startling me out of sleep.
It was Britney's voice.
Without even thinking, I threw shoes on and ran out the front door without even notifying my sleeping family members.
I accelerated so fast I could've been going the speed of light. But even that wasn't fast enough.
Tears were streaming down my face. All I thought about was Britney. She sounded so sick on the message. I was so confused and sad.
To try to get her voice out of my head, I turned on the radio. All I heard was my voice singing the bridge to Girlfriend.
"Ever since I saw your face, nothing in my life has been the same! I walk around just saying your name without you my world would end."
I rolled my eyes and turned it off. This wasn't working.
After what had seemed like 20 years, I arrived at the hospital.
I ran inside, not even realizing I was posing a threat to myself by running in without body guards. At this point, I honestly didn't care. Only Britney was who I cared about then.
"I'm here to visit Britney Spears."
"I'm sorry, but she isn't available for visitors right now," the clerk stated with no expression.
The fact that the lady was referring to Britney as "not available for visitors" as if she were an animal in a zoo angered me, but I was determined to see her.
"Please, I'll do anything!"
"Aren't you that famous guy from that one band, Backstreet Boys?"
She was slowly but surely making me lose my temper.
"No, I'm from N'SYNC. I'm Justin Timberlake. Let me see my girlfriend."
Did I just say she was my girlfriend?
"I'm sorry-"
"Come back in an hour, sir."
I said no more and walked out.

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu