chapter 47

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" Honey wake up" Kris cooed waking up the sleeping beauty who grumbled in his sleep like always pulling the covers over his head. Kris chuckled at the cuteness of his mate. Kris caressed Elijahs back softly " baby you have to eat your breakfast" Kris placed a kiss in Elijahs hair which was sticking in each direction but made him look more cute and handsome. Elijah faced him smiling but his eyes were still closed, Elijah put his head on kris' thigh inhaling kris' familiar woodsy scent he had come to love so much.

" I am tired" Elijah muttered.

" I will never let you play with Gael that much Elijah, you guys are crazy" Kris said  " it goes to you too". He scolded Gael too who was too yawning wanting to sleep.

" No no Kris it was fun playing with my mate, you know I love playing with him" that made Elijah to wake up, he really enjoys playing with Gael. Running around the house, passing his hand in Gael's fur is the best feeling ever.

"I know you love him and like playing with him but don't you think it's too much" Kris pressed his lips to Elijahs in a sweet kiss " morning baby" he whispered placing a kiss on the corner of Elijahs mouth making the human to shiver.

" Morning and why are you fully dressed going somewhere" Elijah asked eyeing Kris up and down.

" I am coming from somewhere, here eat your breakfast before it gets cold" Kris pressed a tray full of food in Elijahs lap which made the human smile.

" You know you will make me fat, breakfast in bed every day" Elijah smiled liking this so much. A week had passed since they went to the doctor and Kris wasn't in pain anymore. Kris' penis was working perfectly, it doesn't hurt anymore but they haven't did it because of fear that something might happen, therefore they decided to wait a little more to be sure even though the doctor told them that it was ok.  

" I want to make you fat and spoil you baby" Kris replied leaning against the board bed.

" And leave me when I'm no longer sexy" Elijah smirked.

" You might be fat and shabby and I will still love you" Kris put his right hand on Elijahs thighs passing his pointy finger around.

" Where are you from" Elijah asked curiously.

" Um I went to the- to the" Kris stuttered out looking at Elijah nervously.

" Kris say it, what did you do" Elijah asked stuffing food in his mouth, he knows his mate like the back of his head

" I did nothing Eli, but I was looking for this" Kris had nothing to do but to show Elijah what he went out to buy, he didn't like to lie to his mate. He pulled out a small blue box handing it to Elijah who gasped looking at the box curiously.

" Kris-" Elijah barely muttered covering his mouth not believing what he was seeing when he opened the box. There sat a beautiful silver golden ring. Elijah put aside the tray, his whole body shaking not believing what he was seeing. He never expected this, wasn't it too early for them to get married. But who cares when they love eachother. Kris got off the bed slowly with determination in his eyes, kneeling down with both his knees.

" Elijah you have been so patient with me, I don't know how many times I have pushed you away but you never let go of me. You have been there in difficult moments of my life which I thought no one would be but you did. You loved me before you even found out that I was your mate. You followed your heart, you pushed in to my life and you changed for better love" Kris inhaled deeply.

" I was impotent, I wasn't man enough for you but you never let go or make fun of me. You left your family in another country to come here with me, your not gay but you accepted me, you left absolutely everything for me. Yet I wasn't enough for you- i am not enough for you and I don't deserve you really. Your too good to me, you have showed me so many things that I thought I will never see again in my life. You make us happy" Kris was now crying.

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