chapter 24.

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Dedicate this chapter to Amahle you guessed it girl, hope you enjoy this chapter  and thanks for supporting this book. I really do appreciate it so fuckin much.

Enjoy guys.

"kris what is your plan son" Albert, kris' father asked concerned. He feels bad for his son yet he had nothing to do about all of this,it was kris' fault and hell Albert warned him many times but kris was a brat who didn't listen to him plus he feels like he failed as a father and alpha cause he knew his son was not the type to give up, he would have tried more or do something to prevent the curse coz Kris was the next in line.

" Father I have no plan ok" kris replied with a heavy sigh feeling his eyes sting with tears peering around the table seeing all the worried faces on his family hurt him so much yet all this was his fault but he was hurting many with his mistake.

" If you don't have a plan then you have to listen to mine" Eleanor chimed in tears in her beautiful eyes and it broke kris' heart more for hurting his mother.

" What is your plan mother" kris asked putting his hands on the table which was full of food yet no one had touched it. Everyone was in there heads thinking.

" The council wants you to marry willow and you know her" Eleanor drawled making kris to gasp loudly not liking that a bit, any one else but not willow.

" I can't marry willow mother" kris drawled seriously, willow was a mate less were wolf, she is 52 years old and kris had fucked her before when they were still in highschool. She got her mate at the age of 17 but unfortunately her mate died from abdominal cancer since he was a human, she never got a chance to experience that bond between mates. That's not the problem here no, the problem with willow was that she talks a lot and if kris tells you that she talks a lot then she talks a lot as in really a lot. She never keeps secrets at all and if she finds out that kris was cursed then kris would be fucked cause the whole pack will know all about it and kris can't take that risk at all.

" Elder Augustus picked her and I think he knows something" Eleanor sighed lowly looking at her family.

" What is your plan mother" Jane sighed asking bitting her lips not to cry. It hurts seeing your elder brother whom you looked up to since you were young to be in this position.

" I was thinking that you should mate with Nevaeh del Brixton the daughter of Orville del Brixton" Eleanor answered with a smile on her lips making the whole family to gasp expect for her husband who knew about it they don't keep secrets from each other.

" From light wood pack mother are you crazy" kris growled, what the hell was Eleanor thinking. Kris didn't need that, how can he trust a person from the other pack to know his secret. What if she tells all the alpha's or the packs around huh that would be embarrassing as fuck to kris cause no one will ever respect him again.

"I am not crazy Kris" Eleanor drawled seriously " she is beautiful, respectful, charming and mate less. Her mother is a great friend of mine, we get a long so good. Nevaeh is a lovely lady kris" Eleanor defended her plan.

" What if she tells her pack members about my alpha's condition mother" Boris drawled talking for the first time since they came on the table.

" I told you she is not like that, I trust her too much" Eleanor drawled tapping on the table.

"I am not liking this plan at all" Jane interjected " what if she wants to spy on our pack mother" she added in a low voice

" Your mother is right" Albert took his wife's side " no one here has a plan so take her plan kris, it's better to trust Nevaeh than willow my son, think about it" he added in a concerned voice " I think willow is the worst"  he whispered.

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