chapter 8.

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Elijah tapped his pen on the table shaking his leg impatiently glancing at the clock every now and then but the time was moving so slow to Elijah's dismay. The good thing it was his last lecture of the day, he wasn't getting another torture of sitting in another class. Elijah is not settled at all, he was missing something so badly, a week had passed since he got his Jag and he was supposed to be happy,it's something he had been yawning for for months but he wasn't happy. It's not because of the car no he loves his new car so much but the thing is,he was missing someone, a whole week without seeing him was making him lose his mind slowly.

Elijah needs to see him so badly, Elijah thought that since he knows where he works from it will be easier to get to the man yet he was so damn wrong, the man was difficult to find, Elijah had gone to the car shop every now and then but the stupid car sales man tells Elijah that he isn't there and Elijah thinks that kris was hiding from him or he didn't want to see him which hurt Elijah so much in that it makes him cry every night.

The feeling was growing in Elijah's chest and he couldn't control it even if he tried, he finds himself thinking of the man more often and he doesn't understand it. He pulled out his phone to see whether he has some sort of a missed call but there wasn't any. To say that Elijah wasn't losing his mind would be understatement coz he was really losing his damn mind and it's all because of kris, even his name sounds so good when Elijah says it. It was perfection to Elijah and Elijah was confused why does just a name sound so sexy and hot, Elijah didn't understand any of this, he was so damn confused in that he needs some sort of explanation but from who.

That Elijah doesn't know.

" Man stop your making me dizzy from all the shaking of your leg" Carter whispered, Carter knows Elijah doesn't want to be at school but he doesn't need to show it to everyone like this. Elijah just shrugged not replying drawing some things on the paper in front of him not minding Carter at all. All Elijah needs was to get out of the boring class so that he can go and pester Demon wether he gave kris his number coz by now kris might have called.

Elijah had searched kris and he found out that he was one of the richest man in the country and he acts like a leader and that's all he got nothing more. Elijah needs to know more of the man but there wasn't anything else. Elijah's life has changed so much, he goes to the clubs, parties and drinks but his mind can't erase kris in his damn mind and whenever he thinks about him the more he wants to see him.

" Who is kris" Elijah heard someone ask as he looked at his left at Carter with raised eyebrows not understanding where carter got that name from. Carter knew Elijah didn't understand what he was saying as he pointed at the paper where Elijah had scratched kris' name on. Elijah was quick to cover the sheet with wide eyes. Elijah can't believe he was day dreaming and the worst part he was writing kris' name over and over again. This wasn't right

This was totally wrong.

" No one" he mumbled putting the paper in his bag quickly his face heating up sightly. This was so bad, so so so bad to Elijah, his mind was demented and he didn't know what to do. Carter scanned him for a minute as he sighed shrugging his shoulders brushing it off, Carter had noticed these past week that Elijah wasn't the Elijah he knew, Carter had known Elijah for so long and he knows that something was totally wrong and Elijah will tell him when he feels like it so he wasn't gonna push Elijah to tell him.

The lecture ended as Elijah stood up almost running out of the hall but the students who were squeezing themselves at the door made it difficult for him. All the students seemed to be in hurry to do there own stuffs like Elijah was. " Any plans to night" Carter asked when he caught up to him.

" No and yes, if what any going to do works out than yes if not than no" Elijah replied wanting to get out of the satan's cage called school.

" Am going home,mum wants me to do something for her after my last lecture so I won't see you till tomorrow" Carter said.

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