chapter 6.

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Kris seat in his office amused as he chuckled lowly, in years of living no one has ever talked to him like that and most importantly a human. Humans coo away from him if they see him because of the dangerous aura he lets out but imagine a small human like Elijah being brave enough to talk to him like that without balling himself in the corner scared. Kris was surprised at how the human talked to Leon too, Leon was his beta everyone feared him but the little human didn't take his bullshit and that amused kris to the extent that he actually smiled yet in kris' personality he doesn't smile like ever.

Kris gave up on smiling years ago, let's face it in his life there is nothing to make him smile genuine that's why he puts on a poker grimy face making everyone to step aside coz man he was so damn intimidating. Elijah impressed kris so much kris had to admit that, it was rare, No, it was impossible for a human to talk to him like that or touch him inappropriately like Elijah did in the supermarket yesterday, no one gets away with it. It happened so fast in that kris was Intrigued to know what Elijah was doing to him at the supermarket.

For a moment kris was frozen not knowing what to do, for goodness sake the human was touching him inappropriately much less he was a boy,no man ever touched kris in that way never, the little human was the first and it felt weird. Kris looked in Elijah's eyes and saw confusion in his eyes and something which flushed in the little humans eyes got his attention yet kris didn't understand any of it, kris spent yesterday night thinking what the human was doing yet he got no answer. When the little human ran out of the supermarket kris followed wanting to question him but he wasn't in luck to catch up to him.

Kris was surprised to see the same human who harassed him at his shop. Kris wasn't going to do anything to the human, he decided to let it slide, kris wanted to believe that it never happened but the stubborn human had other plans. Kris knew that the little human wasn't sorry, he saw it in his eyes it seems like he had a difficult in saying sorry but kris wanted the little human out of his sight, so he decided to let go.

Kris doesn't know how to feel about all of that, he didn't know what were the intentions of the little human to come and talk to him like that. It seemed like he saw through him and kris hated it so much, no one has to see how miserable he was, absolutely no one so why did the human say those words. He made sure his expressionless face was on, over the years no one had tried to figure him out yet out of the blue the little human kris just saw yesterday was some how seeing something which kris didn't get at all.

Kris was a big bad wolf alpha, everyone feared him, his pack was the best in the whole world so why does kris feel like the little human was crumbling his walls in just minutes. Kris had to stay away from the little human.

"He is funny" Gael kris' wolf chuckled in the back of his head making kris to curse at it.

" Not now Gael"  kris snarled at it his eyes fixed at the camera's looking at the human who was signing something down with a smile on his face.

"Something is up with that human host"  Gael said after a few minutes of silence. The human passed his hand in his white hair pitching the bridge of his nose smirking at Leon who looked more than pissed. The little human was pushing the Bates buttons . Kris Chuckled at that, he saw through the camera how Leon was flustered about something the human said, putting a smile on kris' lips which surprised him widening his eyes at that. Kris thought he forgot how to smile since he had taken long without smiling or laughing in general.

"Your smiling" Gael teased

" Shut up Gael" Kris pushed his brownish hair behind messing it up " what do you mean by something is up with him" kris asked all his eyes on Elijah who got in his car with a big smile on his lips driving off living the annoyed Leon alone. Kris knew all the anger Leon had will be directed to Demon the poor man.

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