chapter 26.

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Dedicate this chapter to Nunilianhna thanks for the support.


Elijah tranced his slander beautiful fingers over kris sharp jaw which had some small bristly hairs on it and that made it hundred percent hotter. Elijah inhaled deeply staring at kris who was still deep in sleep, yesterday kris surprised Elijah by coming to his apartment late at night and the way kris looked, Elijah knew that something was wrong yet Elijah didn't ask he just pulled kris into a comforting hug without a word. After a while kris wanted to go back to his place but Elijah convinced him to stay the night, that's why kris was in Elijah's bed.

They didn't do anything, they just slept with Elijah's head on kris' warm, hard comforting chest which Elijah came to like so much and it's his favourite place to be in. Elijah had promised himself to not pressure kris in to doing anything he didn't want, that's why he forgot about being intimate with the man untill he is comfortable with him.

" Morning handsome" Elijah smiled saying seeing that kris was awake. Kris leaned at the bed board looking at him stretching whilst yawning making all his hand muscles contract which made Elijah to get hard at how hot that looked. Oh shit. Elijah cursed controlling himself to not jump the man and more so controlling his hands which were twitching to feel those muscles.

" Morning" kris replied lowly. Elijah leaned in attaching his lips to kris' in a sweet morning kiss.

" How was your night, feel better" Elijah asked in a concerned voice.

" Yes" kris replied fumbling with his hands. "I'm sorry I showed up without telling you it's just that I needed to... I-I do-- don't--" kris trailed off not knowing what to say, he shouldn't have come without announcing.

Elijah chuckled at the cuteness of kris' red cherry face, for a big man he blushes so much " kris you're my boyfriend you are welcome here any time you feel like coming,my door is wide open for you and I was thinking of giving you a key so that you can let yourself in" Elijah inhaled

" Isn't that fast Elijah" kris asked in disbelief.

" I know it's fast honey but yesterday you came really late, what if something happened or what if something was chasing you and I was deep in sleep and I couldn't hear you knock huh. It's better you have your own key so that you can let yourself in" Elijah shrugged.

" You know nothing like that can happen" kris looked at him shaking his head in amusement.

" You might be a wolf and you might have skills to fight but again you can get hurt remember your not immortal" Elijah threw the covers away getting out the bed. " I need a shower" Elijah announced.

" Wait did your friend get home safely" kris asked, when kris came yesterday Carter was  in Elijahs apartment and he was planning to spend a night but out of  fear Carter ran out of Elijah's apartment in a hurry which Elijah found funny.

" Yeah I called him this morning, he is fine" Elijah replied with a smug smile on his lips not understanding why Carter was so scared of Kris. Elijah clambered in his adjoined bathroom leaving kris seated on the bed as he pulled out his phone. Kris was glad he didn't go back home cause he would have felt lonely but being here with Elijah was so much better. He had many messages most of them were from Leon and had one from Kirk the young man telling him that he finished the assignment he gave him which put a smile on his face, no doubt Kirk would make a good leader or alpha, the boy was brilliant and brave. Kris was so sure he will make a great leader, Kris didn't bother opening Leon's messages not wanting to ruin his day which had just started.

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