chapter 3.

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Another chapter guys, enjoy;

Hot water felt so damn well on Elijah's body, he relaxed under the faucet sighing deeply washing his body properly still thinking of what happened earlier at the supermarket, Elijah hadn't stopped thinking of the man since this evening, it's like his brain can't take it a damn minute if he didn't think about him. What Surprises Elijah is how his heart pound in his chest whenever he thinks about the stranger, all this wasn't making any sense at all, Elijah doesn't know the guy yet his mind and body is doing some twist shit on him.

He is really starting to hate it.

He can't be thinking of the man he doesn't know at all, maybe Elijah's mind is playing some joke on him but why did it feel so real, so right to be in that man's chest, why did his stomach twist in knots whenever he thinks about him, shivers spotting on his body when he thinks about the man's sad eyes and although they looked sad,they also looked captivating to Elijah. He had never seen such beautiful eyes before, Elijah wishes to see the man again.

Elijah shivered at the thought, he had been convincing himself not to think about it, Elijah wants it to be something he never did, he wants to forget all that incident and be the care free Elijah not the crying Elijah whenever he thinks about not seeing the man again, he cries like real crying yet it's pathetic. He brushed it off drying himself strutting to his bedroom, it was time to go partying like it should be.

He pulled on his tight black jeans, long sleeved white shirt with a black leather jacket which looked good on his slander body. He combed his white hair properly putting some products to make it soft and beautiful as he leered at himself in the mirror again and again seeing how handsome he looked. Elijah knew that he was a catch, with his gray eyes, white unique hair, pink ful curved lips, pointed beautiful nose, heart shaped face, that's why he had broken many girls hearts.

" Stop admiring yourself Eli let's go" Carter opened his bedroom door saying as Elijah pulled on his white sneakers making sure he had his phone and wallet.

"What's not there to admire Carter" Elijah looked at himself again in the mirror " you can't deny am a handsome bastard" he grinned looking himself up and down smirking at carter.

"Egolistic slut" Carter mummered rolling his eyes.

" I heard that and you mister tonight your getting laid" Elijah smirked as they strutted downstairs Elijah's hand slug over carter's shoulder who laughed nervously at what Elijah had said. " I wish sonia wasn't going coz I really need a threesome" Elijah mummered cursing Sonia in his head, he was really tired of her.

" And where do you think your going Elijah" a deep voice said behind them making them swing around to look at the intimidating man.

" Father, I didn't know that your home" Elijah walked towards his father giving him a manly hug smiling.

" Elijah don't play dumb with me you knew I would be here" kelvin, Elijah's dad rolled his eyes " hello Carter how are you" kelvin's eyes shifted to Carter who was standing awkwardly behind Elijah.

" Am ok Mr Storm" Carter replied with a firm handshake.

" How many times do I have to tell you to call me kelvin" the man scolded making carter to Shiver in fear. It's not like Carter doesn't want to call him by his name but the problem was he feared the man, Elijah's dad wasn't a person to joke around with, no, he was an intimidating, fearful person yet interesting and out going if you find him in the mood of course and you should not want to be on his bad side like ever. So carter thought calling him by his name might be disrespectful.

Kelvin was a rich man who owned many business companies, he looked a lot like jonah, with dark brown eyes, light brown hair. In fact all Elijah's brothers looked a lot like his father expect him who looked totally different from them you may think he is adopted. In fact Elijah asked his mother if kelvin was really his dad and she confirmed it saying Elijah doesn't look like his brothers because all the features he took are from his mother's side.

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