chapter 44.

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This chapter is really long, hope you like it.


Elijah watched Kris walk out of the room with his sweats  as he sighed deeply shaking his head in disbelief. Ok this started like a month ago, Kris had been moody, not the happy Kris Elijah had come to know. He rarely talk to him and he seemed to be in thoughts every time Elijah sees him. Kris spends his day on the beach seated and sometimes Elijah wonders what he was thinking about.

Now days they can't talk without Kris snapping at him for no reason and what surprised Elijah was for Kris to move out of there bedroom saying he needs time a lone.  Four months had passed, they came back to nape after making sure that Kelvin will be fine and everything was going great until last month when Kris changed. Elijah knows exactly why Kris was like this but this had gone too far. Elijah had showed him that he doesn't care whether he was impotent or not he just wants his man back.

Elijah sighed rubbing his face frustrated as he picked up his phone calling someone " hello"

" Leon I'm gonna do it" Elijah said with a heavy sigh.

"Elijah what if it doesn't work, the woman said it would be a risk coz we don't know for sure if you're his mate" Leon replied softly reminding Elijah, they have gotten a long with Leon for the past month since that phone call.

" I am tired of him treating me like this Leon" Elijah drawled softly.

" He is still moody" Leon asked.sighing

" Yes and when I try to talk to him he snaps at me or don't reply and walks away. He doesn't eat and this is worrying me" Elijah bit his lips tears wanting to fall.

" Give him time he will come around" Leon whispered.

"A full month is enough Leon what if he breaks up with me huh, let me try coz we will never know unless I try" Elijah insisted.

" It's a very big risk Elijah, Kris will hate you if it doesn't work" Leon warned " let's wait for the woman to get you medicine please, you will give him false hopes and ....." Leon trialled off.

" You said what I feel are the things a mate feel Leon" Elijah walked towards the window looking out side tears falling down his cheeks " let me try and if it doesn't work that means we will know I am not his mate, we will never know if we don't try Leon" Elijah persisted, it was killing him inside,  Kris, giving him silence treatment it's Killing him. All these past months he and Leon had been doing whatever they can to get Kris healed but it wasn't working out but Elijah didn't lose hope until they a friend of Leon told him about this famous witch. Elijah travelled all the way from Napa to Canada so that they can go meet the lady and the lady told them that only kris' mate can break the curse.

Since they really don't know whether Elijah is  indeed kris' mate they couldn't risk it so the lady gave them another option which was to get him some herbal medicine. But that medicine was hard to find therefore they had to wait and Elijah doesn't know how long they can wait when Kris is behaving like this.

" Try little human" Leon whispered him to freaking out cause Kris will hate the both of them if this doesn't work.  " Please be careful and let the gods be with you" Leon gave him his blessings his heart humming.

" Thanks Leon, I will call you for feed backs and if it works it will be his gift for our anniversary" Elijah grinned,he can't believe they are going to make a year in this relationship.

" Really, then make sure it works" Leon smiled, he was so glad Kris met Elijah. The boy was so caring and supportive " good luck" with that Leon hung up as Elijah stood at the window thinking if this was the right thing to do. But he needs his man back, Kris ignoring him hurt so much. He poured himself a full glass of vodka downing it in one go not even feeling the burn in his throat, that's his nervous he was. He walked out of the room going to the guest room as he knocked before entering.

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