chapter 16.

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"He did what" Leon asked in a disbelief voice making kris to cringe in his seat looking at him dumbly " what can I say that human has some balls" Leon added with a light chuckle " so,how do you feel about all of that" Leon asked looking at kris who looked to be in thoughts.

" I don't know what I feel Leon but one thing for sure I enjoyed his kiss and I enjoy his company" kris sighed saying sucking in a deep breath " he makes me happy" he added In a whisper.

" Ok,he was the one putting a smile on your lips these past weeks" kris looked at Leon not knowing what he was talking about " do you think I don't see you Kris, these past weeks you've been smiling a lot especially when your on your phone and you have been going out so often, I'm your best friend and beta remember, it's my job to watch your back" Leon said with a small smile on his lips. Yes it was true Leon loved kris so much in that he can die for him that's for sure.

" I really don't know what I feel about him Leon" kris said after a moment of deer silence " he had been calling me since I took off that day, apologizing  and I don't know what to do" kris enjoyed the kiss so much and it was stupid of him to run away like a coward but he has his reasons, kris can't let Elijah near him again, kris has his own problems to deal with that's why he had decided to never talk to the human again even though his heart was telling him to but, he can't.

" I suggest you cut all the ties from that human kris, he is bad news" Leon said seriously " you don't need that in your life now and you have pressing matters to think about like what the council suggested, I don't see you do anything about it" Leon reminded kris who had forgotten all about the council and to say kris cared was understatement.

" Because I'm not gonna do anything Leon" kris shrugged as he pulled out a pile of papers he needed to pass through.

" If you don't do anything,you have to marry any woman they choose for you man, remember that small detail" Leon uttered disappointed at the way kris was handling this matter.

" I know, I have a plan" kris shrugged again not wanting to talk about it right now.

" Care to tell me that plan of yours" Leon pressed not wanting to do anything stupid that's why Leon was his beta to tell him what was right or not.

" You will find out that day" kris knew Leon would protest with his decision that's why he wasn't going to tell him any thing, he will also find out that day.

" You-" the beeping of the intercom cut Leon off helping kris to sigh in relief for once thanking his secretary.

" What is it Nora" kris pressed the button saying,

" Sir someone named Elijah Storm is here to see you, he says that he is your friend" Nora, the secretary said as kris' heart started to pound fast in his chest. Elijah doesn't quit at all. Kris had made it clear the last three days that he didn't want to see him, Elijah had been calling, texting but kris had ignored him not replying yet kris didn't think Elijah could show up at his work place. What was kris going to do about this situation.

" Let me tell him to go away" Leon stood up as kris stopped him maybe it's time to tell Elijah the truth, kris thought, maybe it was time to let him down.

"But we also need him host" Gael whined in his head, he had also gotten attached to Elijah in that he didn't want to stop seeing him.

"You know we can't Gael" kris knows that Gael was attached because of the affection Elijah was giving to them and he can't blame him seeing that the poor beast had never received that kind of affection from anyone, kris knew how Gael was hurting and it huts him seeing his wolf hurt like this just because kris was stupid, Gael deserves more, but kris had done everything in his power to look for it's mate yet nothing.

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