chapter 36.

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Some of you say that this book is slow. Yeah I know but that's what makes up this story. It's not an easy one guys. I don't want it be so cliche and I don't want to rush it.  According to the plot,it's supposed to be like this please just bare with me a little longer coz it gets better. Anyway thanks for your support.


Elijah and kris had been on the island for a week now and everything was going great between the two. They were happy and Elijah couldn't ask any thing else coz every day he spends with Kris was worthy. Everything with Kris was so much worth and he now knows that he made the right decision in choosing to come with Kris. Even though it gets hard when he sees Kris and he can't do anything to that sexy body of his but he controls himself coz he doesn't want kris to feel bad about it.

Nowadays Kris had been at his happiest, he was happy no one has been telling him what to do, he doesn't need to go to stupid meetings or sign papers or make his family sad with his stupid problems. He was happy that he was with Elijah, he seemed to be his happiness and he was glad he didn't come a lone, he would have been in his thoughts all  thinking about the things he shouldn't therefore he was happy with his company.

Elijah understands him, even though it hurt Kris that he wasn't giving all of him to Elijah but he wanted to do some for him sometime and make Elijah happy like Elijah makes Kris happy. Kris was on their bed watching some videos on his laptop while Elijah was in the shower, they are from the woods. Elijah had insisted that he wanted to play with Gael and Kris couldn't deny him that. Kris wanted them to play in the house since it was big but Elijah wanted Gael to have some flash air and Kris wash glad they went outside because if Gael and Elijah start getting on it, they might destroy everything in the house.

" What are you watching" Elijah asked getting out of the bathroom butt naked as he walked towards there closet picking out some shorts putting on as he seat on the bed next to his boyfriend .

" Nothing much" Kris replied softly closing the laptop " though,I was thinking" Kris bit his lips looking at Elijah " I can't let you stop in the middle of the semester so I was thinking why don't you take online courses" Kris said nervously.

" I don't like to study Kris, this is like a chance escaping it all" Elijah replied sitting near Kris.

" It's just a matter of time and I will be here to help you out" Kris insisted.

" I don't know" Elijah replied shaking his head, he thought he had given that shit up but Kris wants him to do it again which he hates.

" Please baby, do it for me, I will help you in everything just know you're not alone" Kris gave him a look which Elijah couldn't resist, this man was Elijahs weakness.

" Fine but if I fail I will not repeat that shit" Elijah accepted making Kris to smile.

" Don't worry I got you covered, even though I was a bad boy but I used to pass every subject" Kris said.

" Because you used to fuck your teachers" Elijah retorted

"Yeah but I had brains my dear" Kris replied with chuckle remembering how the teachers used to fight for him.

" I have been wanting to ask you, did you tell your pack know" Kris nodded knowing very well what Elijah was saying " how did it go"

" Bad really bad" Kris replied remembering how pissed the elders were.

" Tell me about it" Elijah adjusted giving Kris his full attention.

" I told them about the curse and surprisingly most of them knew about it. But they only knew that I was cursed to not get a mate. They don't know about my dick which was a relief and they were pissed because I lied to them all these years and they didn't like my decision of selecting Kirk to be their next alpha. They said that I was a bad alpha, I couldn't give the pack a heir. They said many things and I let them coz they had a right to" Kris sighed " I should have told them earlier, but I was selfish I only thought about myself"

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