chapter 29.

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The road trip was really going well, both guys were enjoying most especially kris who had never been to something like this. Elijah made sure to give kris the best weekend of his life, they played games in the car, Elijah knowing more about kris and vise versa. Kris had become more comfortable with Elijah than he expected. kris now feels like he and Elijah were soulmates. These past few months kris was seeing the brat Elijah who takes everything lightly, who thinks he can get what he want but in these two days Elijah was a different person, so understanding, he doesn't force kris to do what he doesn't want and that made kris happy, Elijah was thoughtful.

He had proven himself.

Today is the last day to enjoy and in the evening they had to go back to there real lives, kris to be the alpha and Elijah had to go back and be Elijah. It was in the afternoon, the weather was somewhat cold but since both men where curled up together they don't feel cold at all. They were currently in there car kris laying down on his back and Elijah was curled on top of him. it seems like they were waiting for something which kris didn't know, what.

The best part of this short trip which made kris happy was waking up seeing Elijah's beautiful face, and sitting on the front of the car watching the sunset, eating breakfast on the top of car with Elijah telling him silly stories which made kris happy and for once he forgot about his problems, he forgot about everything and decided to enjoy.

" Let's go kris it's time" Elijah announced suddenly pecking his lips getting off of him. Kris groaned inwardly,he was enjoying the comfortable silence. Kris lifted himself on his elbows as he asked where they were going. " You will see baby, you will like this one" Elijah smiled at kris " here your driving I will direct you" kris nodded leaning in as his lips met with Elijahs in a small passionate kiss which always melts him. kris had never been addicted to something before but Elijahs lips were his addiction, he can't get enough of them.

They both moved to the front kris driving off as Elijah directs him. The drive was fifteen minutes or so, Elijah told kris to park the car at the side of the road as they both clambered out. Elijah waved to some people kris couldn't see the face but when they got closer to them kris know the pair. It was payton and Lily. They greeted each other with smiles on there faces as payton handed Elijah a basket with a mat .

" Everything is in here" Elijah asked

" Yes babes" payton replied with a small smile on her lips " see you Elijah" payton hugged him so does Lily as the couple walked towards there car driving off again. Elijah sighed deeply telling kris to follow him, they started climbing the mountain heading towards a forest and a smile curled up on kris' lips knowing why Elijah had brought him here though he didn't say a thing. They walked deep in the forest untill they reached where no one could see them, Elijah laid down the mat as he checked the basket payton brought him and started pulling out different containers placing them on top of the mat, there was a bottle of red wine, different types of food and not forgetting steak which is kris' favourite.

This made Kris happy.

" Sit with me" Elijah pulled off his shoes as he stepped on the mat leaving some space for kris to sit in. Everything was fantastic and breath takingly beautiful. The weather was so calming, the place was beautiful, hearing the birds sing from a far made it more beautiful to listen too. Everything was perfect kris couldn't stop his heart from flattering.

" Is this part of a road trip" kris asked softly when they got comfortable.

" No,I just wanted... to play with Gael and this place seems to be the best place for him" Elijah replied softly his face heating up in embarrassment. Kris never saw Elijah blush but damn he looks adorable" let him out" he smiled at kris after gathering himself. Kris stood up starting to unbuckle his pants in a hurry to give Gael freedom to be with his mate. Elijah turned around when kris stood in front of him naked swallowing hard his mouth going dry instantly, the man had a beautiful body which Elijah wants with every fibre in his body. Elijah had never wanted any thing so badly like he likes Kris. Something licked Elijah's neck as he turned around seeing Gael busy licking his neck in happiness.

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