chapter 19.

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Double update yay. Enjoy guys.

Elijah was bored out of his mind, he was currently at the engagement party and if Elijah says that he was enjoying that would be him lying. It's not like the engagement was boring NO, everything was on point, the decorations, the classical music was soothing and amazing,everything looked wonderful but to Elijah it was boring because he didn't want to be there in the first place. Elijah would have used this time to spend it with his boyfriend coz let's face it he was not needed here at all.

Elijah's lips tugged in to a small smile thinking of his boyfriend, yes after breaking up with Sonia he instantly told kris about it who accepted him as his boyfriend making Elijah the happiest boy in the whole world. They have been talking on the phone now and then, Elijah thought that it would be weird to love a man yet it's the opposite, it feels right with Kris. Only one talk with the man and Elijah is on the moon, only one laugh and he falls in love more.

Elijah blinked once getting out of his day dreaming looking closely to the person he didn't expect to see on the cruise. Was Elijah's eyes playing tricks on him or what, Elijah walked towards the person who was busy chatting away with some people " hey mum what the hell are you doing here" Elijah whispered making sure the people next to his mum didn't hear him.

" We will continue this conversation later gentlemen" the blonde haired beautiful woman said with a charming smile on her lips making Elijah to roll his eyes " why are you surprised that am here Eli" the blonde woman whispered walking towards the corner where seemed to be not many people.

" You know dad hates you mum" Elijah said lowly looking around for his dad, Elijah didn't want to find out what his dad will do if he sees or takes a glimpse at this woman standing in front of him.

" This is my son's engagement Elijah, I have a right to be here and I couldn't disappoint Jonah who invited me. Now should I" Elise, Elijah's mum grinned saying.

" Jonah invited you" Elijah asked in disbelief, Elise nodded her head with a big smile on her lips " ok enjoy" Elijah pecked her on the cheek.

" So,how is my youngest doing" Elise asked sipping on her wine " where is your girlfriend" she added.

"I am ok mum, Sonia and I broke up" Elijah said with an eye roll.

" Oh sorry dear" Elijah nodded not buying her sorry at all " Sonia is a good girl but I knew since the beginning that it was not gonna work out" she laughed as if it's a laughing matter.

" Mum you came" Jonah and Matt rushed to the woman who birthed them hugging  her happy to see her " you look dashing as ever" Matt complimented swinging her around, yeah she was stunning, she wore a red long elegant dress which brought out he figure perfectly.

" Thanks sweetie" Elise kissed Matt on the cheek lovingly " oh Jonah dear I am so happy for you" she averted her eyes to her oldest who gave her a sheepish smile.

" Thanks mum, I am so happy that Audra is going to be my wife and I wanted to celebrate this with all my loved ones" jonah said sincerely. They all don't know why their mother and dad broke up but what they know was that it was so bad in that if you put them in the same room they might kill each other. Elijah stayed in contact with his mother cause he loved her to death in that he went to visit her some time without the knowledge of his father, though now days he hasn't visited the woman lately because he was busy with Kris. Kelvin gave them a direct order to never speak to Elise but seeing how his brothers were behaving with Elise, Elijah knew they had been seeing her too which made Elijah happy cause he always thought his brothers did everything kelvin tells them.

" What is she doing here" a very deep angry voice said behind them as they all swing around looking at their dad who had an angry expression on his face.

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