chapter 32.

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What is love. That's the question Elijah was asking himself, was his love for kris worthy losing his family, was his love for kris worthy to lose the people he had known since he was born, was it worthy to lose the person he had been looking up to all this years, was Elijahs love worthy to lose everything, was is it worthy.....that was in Elijahs head as he stared at his dad who was holding a gun pointing it at him and Elijahs mind was wandering in his head, was his love worthy to die for kris, all these questions had one answer and that's a simple one.........


Elijah's love for kris was too much in that he can take a bullet for Kris and he will die happy. Kris was the love of his life and he can't let his father kill him no, Elijah doesn't know how and when it became this unbearable, the love he feels for kris was too much in that he can't bear to live a minute with out him. Elijah was willing to lose everything, his family, his everything just to be with kris coz for the first time Elijah thinks,NO, Elijah knows that kris was the love of his life. He can live without his family but he can't without kris by his side.

Impotent or not impotent Elijah loves kris the way he was, in that the love he feels hurts sometime.

Elijah hopes kris can feel that love too, coz this love was making him crazy. Imagine he was at a gun point but he was willing to take a bullet for him, he was willing to lose his life so that kris can live.

If that's not love than Elijah doesn't know what it was.

" Dad can you  put the gun down" Elijah says shakily as he glanced behind kris was looking at kelvin with boring eyes. Kris wasn't scared of Kelvin moreso he was amused by this. Kris doesn't know were this hate comes from but by looking in Kelvin's eyes was all it took Kris to know that the man loathed him to death. The glare he was shooting his way was enough to know that Kelvin hated Kris for real.

Although Kris doesn't know how it happened or what he did to be hated by the man.

" This is why you didn't want to marry Lucy" kelvin gritted his teeth in anger " this bastard is turning you against your family, against me Elijah how dumb can you be" kelvin hissed " I am going to kill him, how dare you Elijah" his eyes where red in anger and Elijah knew he was fucked. He had literally seen his father kill someone and that sight wasn't pleasant at all and seeing a gun pointed at Kris Elijah knew his dad will surly kill kris.

" I love him dad" Elijah did the worst in voicing out those words coz at that instant kelvin fired a few bullets in the air making Elijah flinch his back bumping in to kris solid chest. kris didn't move or flinch at all.

" Your such abomination Elijah, I always knew that your different from my children but I didn't know how different your were you son of a bitch" kelvin shouted, when kelvin asked why kris was doing in his apartment Elijah did the worst mistake of his life by telling his father that kris was his boyfriend which made kelvin lose control. Now Elijah regrets telling his dad, he knew the man loathed gay people. Elijah should have kept quiet.

" Kris can you go, I will call you" Elijah whispered, this was his fight and most of all he didn't want kris to get hurt because of him. That will hurt Elijah so much.

" I can't leave you with him, what if he kills you" kris replied putting his hands on Elijah's shoulders so that he can push Elijah behind him but Elijah didn't burge. He can't let Kris get hurt but he forgot something. Kris was a were wolf which means if Kelvin shot him, he will heal with in minutes so it was the best for him to take the bullet but  Elijah didn't know that he can heal himself.

Gael was moving around wanting to attack, he didn't like Kelvin threatening Elijah but Kris kept him back pushing him back so that he can't take over.

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