chapter 2.

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Ok pals another chapter enjoy;

" Carter stop" Elijah ran after Carter who had already entered the supermarket in a hurry, even though carter annoys Elijah to the core Elijah cares about him so much, he is his best friend and he loves him so much and  Elijah was worried because he had never seen Carter act like this before, this was worrying Elijah so much, he had to know what was wrong. Finally they caught up to him  " what is wrong dude" Elijah folded his arms over his slender chest scanning carter's face intently.

" It's nothing Eli" Carter laughed nervously shrugging his shoulders.

" We are going to talk about this Carter, this is not like you" Elijah said.

" Maybe there is a first for everything Elijah just chill am fine. I just want to enjoy like you tell me every now and then" carter pointed out smiling.

" Yeah he is right, you always tell him to let go of himself so if he is finally letting go then let him" Sonia inhaled as Carter sighed in relief, he didn't want to be the topic" so what does Jonah  want"

" Oh shit right" Elijah started to list what his brother had told him to buy. " Carter go get apples and wine. Sonia go get chocolates I know you love those and I will get the shaving cream and the roses" they all got to work every one going to different Isle, Elijah first went to look for the roses and he got some which he knew Audra will love. Elijah and Audra have a good relationship,Elijah loves her like a sister he never had, she was sweet, caring and most of all  she seems to love the bastard brother of his, sometimes Elijah wanders why Audra was with Johan, johan was like their dad, cold, cocky and if Elijah was Audra he wouldn't want to be with Johan yet he was putting a ring on it. Elijah thinks the saying was true, ' a heart wants what it wants' though Elijah was happy for his brother. Jonah always wanted to have his own family one day and Elijah was sure Audra was the right woman f......

Elijah's trailed in his thoughts stopping what he was doing as he took few steps back gasping seeing the person he never wanted to see in his life. What the hell was she doing back in canada, he thought she was in Florida. Elijah didn't want to talk to her now no that would make him a dick and more so he wasn't ready to apologise.

Carla Hamilton, was the person Elijah didn't want to see, shit happened in highschool which he never wanted to recall again. Elijah and carla went to the same highschool but shit happened which resulted to make carla and her family move and seeing her now made Elijah sightly mad yet he was happy to finally see her with a smile on her face, she looked happy and beautiful than the last time Elijah saw her and did she lose weight oh yeah she did, Elijah hummed to himself but what the hell was she doing in canada and she looked happy not the depressed girl he saw back in highschool. Elijah knows he had to apologise to what he did to her but he was afraid to face her now,no, not now maybe another time but not now. So he decided to hide stepping backwards not looking where he was going untill he knocked a wall, Elijah leaned against the wall which was comfortable to lean at  wiping some sweats which was rolling down his temples coz man carla makes him anxious.

Elijah's eyes widened when he felt the wall breath, walls don't breath, what the fuck. To say Elijah wasn't scared he would be lying, his heart started to beat fast thump thump in his chest as he turned around to see the wall which can breath. To Elijah's surprised it wasn't a wall, it was a man or may Elijah say a big huge man who was looking at him confused.  Elijah turned around fully to look at the stranger so that he can apologise for leaning against him, Elijah gasped, he never say that word like ever that's way he didn't want to face carla but now Elijah was thinking about saying sorry that wasn't Elijah or it's because the man was bigger than him and Elijah knows the man can beat him to pulp if he wanted.

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