chapter 17.

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"What" kris asked with confusion on his face his heart pounding in his chest,what the hell was Gael babbling about. "How do you know Gael you never had a mate before" kris decided to ask, how can he know if he had never had a mate before in his life.

"Kris I know because first of all I'm a wolf, I know when a person feels the pull" Gael explained making kris more confused than before, Elijah snuggled closer to kris' chest sighing in contention of being in his strong arms, he felt safe, he felt at peace being in kris' arms, Elijah wanted not to let go, he wanted to be in the those strong arms forever. The beautiful flowery woodsy Sweet scent tickling his nose in pure bliss, he had missed being closer to kris like this.

" Kris please don't.." Elijah's voice quivered pulling kris closer to him. " Don't let go please" Elijah begged, in a voice he himself couldn't master. This wasn't Elijah at all, he wasn't the type to beg for love yet in this particular moment he felt like he had to beg for kris' love. He wanted, no he needed him like he had never needed anything before.

" It's ok Elijah" kris sighed still his mind thinking what Gael had implied. Was it true that Elijah was feeling the impact of a mate, what does that mean because if so, this totally changes everything. He really needed to talk to Leon right this minute, Leon has a mate he would explain what Elijah feels.

" Elijah" kris called but he didn't get a reply as he pushed Elijah away sightly from him and the poor boy was snoring softly. Kris sighed staring at his sleeping face, he really needed some sleep at the way Elijah looked, he looked so messy not the elegant Elijah, kris knows. Kris carried his limp body toward the couch which was staged in his office lowering Elijah's body down slowly as he kneeled down watching him, he looked so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping kris couldn't help but to admire Elijah. He pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead as he stood up letting him to rest. Elijah grumbled something under his breath which kris couldn't get but Elijah looked so cute, not the confident, sassy Elijah kris had known.

Kris mind linked Leon to come to his office right away, he was freaking out, what Gael had said to him lingering in his head. " Gael you don't feel anything when you see him" kris asked.

"No host but since the day we met him, I felt exicted when he was near us. I feel so much comfortable with him around and when I don't see him I feel bad. That's all I feel kris yet the way he explained how he feels, that's how all mates feel for each other" Gael said as kris glanced at Elijah, could it be true that Elijah might be his mate. No no it can't be, this was a misunderstanding, Kris was not believing it. The door opened as Leon entered frowning when he saw Elijah sleeping peacefully on the couch.

" I thought he had gone kris" Leon pointed at the side where Elijah was sleeping on the coach.

" I need you to tell me how you felt when you got your mate" kris didn't respond to Leon's question, he wanted to know how it feels like to get a mate, he never experienced the feeling before.

" Why ask kris" Leon seated in front of him asking with confused eyes taking glances at Elijah thinking, Why would kris let him sleep in his office like that.

" Leon this is not the time to joke around just answer the damn question" kris growled lowly giving him a pointed look, Leon was used to his growls, they don't affect him at all. Leon started to tell kris how it feels when you find your mate,kris listened carefully and what surprised him was, the things Leon said are the same thing Elijah had told kris earlier oh shit was it possible.

"So,you fall for her the first day your wolf recognized her as your mate" kris asked to be sure, Elijah said he fall for him since the supermarket incident.

" Yes that's how the pull works kris, you fall in love with your other half instantly. Even though you hadn't found your mate yet kris, it doesn't mean you don't know how it works" Leon rolled his eyes

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