chapter 31.

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Elijah peered at kris with confusion eyes who was sliding down the door with tears in his eyes, body shaking as he pulled on his suit Jacket embarrassed not making eye contact with Elijah. ' did kris just say impotent' Elijah asked himself his eyes not leaving kris at all who was a mess. Elijahs heart beat frantically as his mouth agape When it downed on him, kris can't get it up, that's explains why kris didn't want to be intimate with him. Oh my gosh kris was impotent.

Elijah didn't believe this, he expected other reason like; Kris telling him ' I don't want to be gay or kris' pack won't accept him or family won't accept him or other bullshit but not this one. Elijah didn't expect this. He wasn't ready to hear this at all.

" Now you know" came kris' broken small voice " do you still want to be with me" kris asked sobbing as he laughed wiping his tears away not believing that he had told Elijah his deepest secret. Elijah didn't reply and that was kris' cue to get out of there, he didn't want to embarrass himself more. He stood up on his shaky legs, Gael not making it simple for kris, the way he was moving around in his head like a mad man.

"Stop moving around Gael, your making me dizzy" kris scolded but Gael didn't stop, he was nervous, scared not wanting to lose Elijah, they have created a bond between him and Elijah and Gael didn't want to lose that. Kris walked slowly with his shaky legs towards Elijah who seemed to be in thoughts his eyes glossy with tears.

" I am sorry" kris sighed nervously putting his sweaty hand on Elijah's cheek softly " I am really sorry for leading you on, when I knew it won't work" kris had to apologise, he was selfish to Elijah, he should have stopped whatever was going on between them sooner but now it was too late. Elijah was not saying anything, kris knew better, he had to get out of there now. " Hope you get someone who will give you everything Elijah, your are a good partner, and a good person. Find it in your heart and forgive me" kris said softly tears running down his now red cheeks, he was going to miss Elijah so damn much.

He had fallen in love this time for real, kris loves Elijah so much. And saying good bye was a difficult part to him, he just wanted more time with the human who had been putting a smile on his face for the past few months. Elijah had managed to pull him out of the hole which he had sank himself into, Elijah was the one who managed to make kris feel a live again but now kris was losing Elijah and it hurt so fuckin much, he felt like his world is being torn apart, like he was losing a part of himself.

Though kris can't be this selfish, he can't hold Elijah back for his mistake. He can't do it anymore, now that the secret was out, at least Elijah will leave him for good. Kris sighed deeply peering at Elijah's face one more time as he turned around moving towards the door holding the handle as he closed his eyes sighing deeply.

" Please host I don't want to leave him"Gael pleaded in a voice Kris had never heard from him.

"We have too Gael, I am so sorry, so sorry Gael. I know how much you're hurting, please forgive me, you don't deserve this. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, please g....."

" It's ok Kris" Gael cut him off.

"If you want you know"

" I don't want to disappear host, I will be with you host. Always, we are in this together remember that" Gael can't leave Kris coz him to he knows how much Kris was suffering and it wasn't fair to kris.

" Do you love me?" Elijah spoke getting Kris out of his thoughts who was now crying a river.  Kris slowly turned around glancing at Elijah with a confused look.

" What?"  Kris questioned in a gruff voice as if he didn't hear what Elijah had said.

" Do you love me kris" Elijah questioned again his red puffy eyes on kris as he pulled on his fingers.

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