chapter 18.

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Elijah smiled at the waitress thanking her politely as he started stuffing food in his angry mouth. It smelled delicious, he had spent like forever to eat a proper meal this food was making his anger go down.  He glanced across the table seeing his date also stuffing those disgusted steak he hates yet the person who was eating them was enjoying himself so much, Elijah decided not to think about those uncooked steak instead he thought about his own food which was maddening his thoughts. Wow it was so delicious.

" This food is delicious kris" Elijah complimented

" I know Elijah, I normally eat here my lunch and supper" kris replied with a gentle smile on his soft lips making Elijah to smile at him as well. Elijah was happy that everything was going back to normal, kris had asked him out today and that's all that matters now. Elijah got scared when he had Leon say that kris was going to reject him, it made Elijah's heart break but kris managed to mend his heart by asking him out. Elijah had spent three days without taking a sip of sleep or eating, all he could think about was Kris who didn't reply to his messages or calls which made Elijah's heart to break and somehow he felt like he wanted to kill himself if kris is not in his life.

Kris had fulfilled his promise to bring him on the date, exactly seven kris' SUV was parked outside Elijah's mansion waiting for him and what Elijah had learnt about kris was how trudy kris was, he is always on time a perfect gentlemen which Elijah liked so much.

" So-" kris started wiping his mouth pushing away his now empty plate. Elijah had also observed that kris eats a lot and quicker, for God's sakes he was still eating but kris had finished his though you can't blame the guy he was big, and if possible he can eat two plates of steak to satisfy his body " your in love with me" kris swallowed hard asking passing his pointed finger on the top of his glass unconsciously.

Elijah swallowed putting down his fork looking at kris nervously, " yes kris" Elijah replied seriously bitting on his lips.

" I don't know what to say really" kris admitted truthfully.

" You don't have to say any thing, I can wait until you feel something for me" Elijah coolly said with a small smile on his lips.

" What made you fall for me Elijah" Kris asked, he wanted to be sure if Elijah was indeed his mate. He didn't want to make mistakes, kris thought it should be the curse playing tricks on him, so that he can  spend his time with the wrong mate. Kris took a liking in Elijah that was obvious but was he truly his mate, that was question he was asking himself, kris needs to be sure.

" I don't know" Elijah shrugged " it only took one look Kris, seeing you at the supermarket made me love you instantly, I felt like I have known you for so long, I saw the sadness in your eyes kris and it broke my heart. I don't know how it happened but it felt like I'm connected to you somehow, if you're sad I feel your sadness, if your happy I can feel it and if your in pain I can feel that pain too which is confusing. plus the more I feel your emotions, the more I want to be near you" Elijah explained looking at kris in the eyes who looked at him surprised.

Now kris was sure that Elijah was indeed his mate, although he wouldn't feel the pull but Elijah was feeling the pull, it seems like the pull took effect on Elijah not him.

" I have never dated a guy before" kris admitted, he really wanted to give this a chance, he wants to get to know his mate, maybe the pull will finally get to him if he accepts Elijah in his life.

" Me too Kris, all this is totally new to me but I am the kind of guy who goes after what I want. At first I was freaking out but than later I said fuck it, I followed my heart so here am I" Elijah smiled " it can't be that bad to love a man right, I am willing to try" Elijah shrugged.

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